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LUMglobal #116 ---- 6/4/14

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Ministry Partners:

If you are able, please get over the shock that you are receiving another newsletter update just one month after the last one.  Sometimes it may happen, because miracles still occur these days.  Praying that this note finds you doing well and enjoying the blessings of God.

Actually, there is a special reason for this letter . . . and we needed you to know about it quickly.

Please find attached our LUMglobal letter that explains a major upcoming ministry venture to Europe and Southeast Asia.  Our needs for this trip are significant.  It is in both Word and PDF format.

We thank God for your interest in what Life Unlimited Ministries tries to do in advancing the Kingdom and sharing the Gospel.  We ask you to pray about being part of our support team.  Our time is short, and we're asking all who receive these letters to consider partnering with us as we go back to Germany to minister to Farsi speakers from Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and also as we go for the first time to Myranmar to help train young Christian leaders to impact their predominantly Buddhist country.

Be blessed and encouraged as you read it.  If you have questions, please contact us.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann
The Tolllivers