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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

MODERATOR: This account certainly packs some unexpected
punches. Well worth a read.
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Reinhard Bonnke Tells of Nigerian Man Raised from the Dead
-The 700 Club:

(Imagine you are a pastor claiming to serve the Lord, when a car accident
takes your life. Immediately you are whisked away by angels to be shown
heaven and hell. Shocked, you learn that if God decides not to send you
back to Earth, you will suffer in hell forever. This is the story of Pastor Daniel
Ekechukwu of Nigeria, Africa, who came back from the dead while Reinhard
Bonnke was preaching).

PAT ROBERTSON: I understand that in Nigeria, you haven't seen nine
million in your crusades; you had nine million decisions for Jesus.

BONNKE: Yes at the last five crusades, every crusade is five days. From
November of last year to March of this year, we had 9,120,000 registered
decisions, people completing the decision card. We counted the decision
cards: 9,120,000 in five months. Next year instead of five crusades, I want
ten crusades, and so instead of having 10 million, we will have 20 million
souls for Jesus.

ROBERTSON: You just have never seen such numbers. In India 1,200,000 is
the vastest crowd I have ever seen assembled. It was unbelievable.

BONNKE: It is awesome. It is an ocean of humanity.

ROBERTSON: What is God saying to you about Africa? I know you have a
call to Africa. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa. What is He
saying to you? The fire of revival is burning like never before.

BONNKE: Yes. Nigeria has its problems, nobody denies that, but there is a
surge of spiritual, I would say, Christian dynamics that are awesome. We are
not at all with our back to the wall, not at all. I mean, it just moves like a
mighty ocean wave of freshness and strength and power. Jesus saves. We
see testimonies like this man coming back to life.

ROBERTSON: I want you to tell us about him. He was in one of your
meetings. He was hit by a car. I understand he was stiff and rigormortis had
set in. I don't know if they had embalmed him or not.

BONNKE: They did.

ROBERTSON: He had been embalmed?

BONNKE: He was embalmed, but not the way it is done in America with the
removal of organs. They injected chemicals into the body to slow down
decay, since there was no refrigeration.

ROBERTSON: So what happened?

BONNKE: His wife was one with a promise from God that woman have
received back the dead by resurrection. She said, 'My husband will come
back, and I have heard Reinhard Bonnke is in Onitsha this Sunday I will bring
him there. She brought him there. I was preaching and I knew nothing about
it. Suddenly, the man started to breathe. His story is awesome and what he
was shown while he was in eternity.

ROBERTSON: Tell me, what did he see?

BONNKE: An angel took him to show him Paradise. He showed him the
mansions that are waiting for the saints. And he showed him hell. He saw
the people in hell. He said one shouted to him, 'I was a pastor and I stole
money. Help me to return the money.' He said it was so frightening to him
that the angel turned to him and said, 'The prayer of the rich man in Luke 16
will now be fulfilled, and you will be sent back to earth as a last warning to
this generation.'

ROBERTSON: For those who are not aware of that, in Luke 16 the rich man
lifted up his eyes in torment and said, 'I have a number of brothers. Let me
go back and warn them.' Father Abraham said, 'No, they have Moses and
the prophets. If they won't believe them, they will not believe the one who
rose from the dead. Now, he says that in this last day, he's going to be the
one? He has come back?

BONNKE: He has come back. People who see this video [Raised from the
Dead] are getting saved by the thousands. I hear reports from across the
world. It is such a powerful tool of evangelism and we are absolutely
delighted. I wish I could have produced Pastor Daniel here today.

ROBERTSON: We tried to get him through customs, but it is so tough in
America to get a visa in this country. We couldn't get him in. You say he
saw hell. Were there fires? Torment?

BONNKE: He said he saw no fire but he said he saw these people
cannibalizing themselves. Every time they had done it, the flesh seemed to
jump back to the same places and then the torment started again. He said it
was so horrible. He came back and said, 'Heaven is real. Hell is real.
Become serious with God. You need to be saved by the blood of Jesus
Christ and live a holy life.'

ROBERTSON: I want to stop right now, ladies and gentlemen, and ask,
where are you in the Lord? Are you playing games with God? Where are you
with God?

Reinhard, give this audience a word about how they can come to Jesus. We
will talk more about these crusades, but there are people right now who need
to be spared from hell.

BONNKE: It is true. I would say it this way. We have to say 'yes' to Jesus.
Many have done that, but when saying 'yes' to Jesus, we must say at the
same time 'no' to sin. Otherwise, that 'yes' to Jesus is invalid. We cannot
walk in two directions at the same time. If we do, we fool ourselves. That
would be very terrible, like that pastor that was witnessed there. Say 'yes' to
Jesus from the bottom of your heart and turn around from unrighteousness.
Repent of your sins and receive forgiveness by the blood of Jesus Christ
Then walk the path of righteousness.....

All accused themselves. They didn't blame anyone else. He said that they
didn't see the angel next to him. They only saw him and were calling for help.
The angel turned around and said that Daniel would be connected to me and
that through me this testimony would be spread across the whole world.
Suddenly Daniel gasped for air in the church. He was there in the basement
while I was preaching upstairs, 'In the name of Jesus!' It is awesome. I mean
that story has covered Nigeria, Africa, and the world.

ROBERTSON: I am sure this man was not learned in the Bible, but the
Apostle Paul says your own conscience will either excuse or accuse you in
the day of Jesus Christ. So their own conscience was their accuser. They
were accusing themselves?

BONNKE: Yes. Yes they do.

ROBERTSON: They weren't covering up anymore. A pastor had been
stealing money. He was essentially a fraud and a hypocrite and he was in
hell crying out for help?


ROBERTSON: But there is no help. Once they are there, they are there. It is

BONNKE: That is so. You know, you mentioned about the missed

ROBERTSON: Oh, dear!

BONNKE: They keep on missing it because there is no opportunity.

ROBERTSON: What did he see in heaven?

BONNKE: He saw the saints worshiping. He said it was so wonderful he
wanted to enter that place. My question to him was 'Did you see Jesus?' He
said there was a white, bright light and all of those saints were worshiping
and looking in that direction. He said, 'I shaded my eyes, but my eyes could
not penetrate it.' Then he was taken to the mansions. He tried to describe
the beauty of those mansions. He said, 'Like, like, like.'

ROBERTSON: He didn't have the words.

BONNKE: He said he was told the mansions are ready but the saints are

ROBERTSON: Oh, my! Did Jesus or anyone give him a warning for the
church? Did he come back and say something to those who are supposed to
be living for the Lord?

BONNKE: He had another fearful experience. I didn't know this Pastor Daniel
at all. He said that the angel said to him, 'If God had not decided to send
you back to earth, you would join the people in hell.' He was shaking.

ROBERTSON: But this guy is a pastor. What was it?

BONNKE: He was a man who didn't live right.

ROBERTSON: So he was a fraud.

BONNKE: He was not living right. He now lives right.

ROBERTSON: But if he hadn't had that experience, he would have joined
those in hell?

BONNKE: That is what he was told.

ROBERTSON: Oh, my goodness! That, Reinhard, is a much tougher
standard than we are used to. We are thinking here in America of easy grace
and I am a good guy.

BONNKE: My own television team that made that video said they couldn't
sleep for three nights and everybody brought their lives up to standard, the
standard of the Word of God. It brought a lot of heart searching.

ROBERTSON: Did this man have a chance to speak his testimony to that
multitude that came to hear you?

BONNKE: He was at my crusade. It was fantastic. I had him in Vienna. At
the same time, while I had my meetings there, there was an esoteric
convention there. When they heard that someone had come back from the
dead, they love to hear the voices from the dead, and so they said, 'Can you
not address us?' He went to speak to them, preached, and made an altar
call and 50 witches got saved.

ROBERTSON: This is incredible. Do you have a video?

BONNKE: It is right here [Raised from the Dead]. So many pray for their
loved one. This is a step further. This really is a call to salvation that is very

ROBERTSON: I am inspired having you with us.

<> -Reinhard Bonnke Website
