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Oct. 2011 Marriage, Cooking, Recipe, Tempest, Dryer Tips, Ram, Crafts , Gems

Posted by: jhbreneman <jhbreneman@...>

A categorized storehouse of information for you from past newsletters,
plus a second blog just for recipes!
Compiled especially for you with love by Lois Breneman  
Oct. 2011  Marriage, Cooking, Recipe, Tempest, Dryer Tips, Ram, Crafts, Gems
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COOKING MARATHON (from our family to yours)


Many of you prayed for little Ruby and her family as I requested prayer in Heart to Heart for my cousin's granddaughter and her family.  In a separate e-mail this week, you will receive the riveting story of the "path that God marked out" for David, Linda and their family.  Ladies, get your tissues ready before you read Ruby's Legacy!

Ruby's grandmother, Linda, says:

"I am so grateful to you and all of your Heart to Heart friends who prayed for Ruby and our family as we journeyed the path God marked out for us.  Please extend to each of them our heart felt , "Thank You." I stand in awe of God for the lessons He has burned into the fabric of my life through our little Ruby.  I share those lessons in Ruby's Legacy."

Excerpt taken from A New Day for Your Marriage, 21 Days to a Healthier Relationship, copyright © Chuck and Eileen Rife, 2003. - Used by permission 
We have often viewed September as a month of beginnings. With the kids back in school and a new season right around the corner, we like to take a deep breath and assess where we are in our marital relationship, as well as other areas of our lives.

Perhaps you'd like to do the same. We've provided a 10 statement assessment you can use to evaluate where you are right now in your marriage. Take a few minutes to review the following list, placing your number (one, lowest and ten, highest) beside each statement.

This sheet would make a good conversation starter for your date night this week.
Rate yourselves on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) in each of the following areas:
1.     We include God in our marriage.                                ____
2.     We talk about our expectations.                                  ____
3.     We write love letters to each other.                             ____
4.     We practice effective communication.                         ____
5.     We manage stressors the day they occur.                  ____
6.     We have forgiven each other for past hurts.               ____
7.     We enhance our romance weekly.                              ____
8.     We make time for each other every day.                     ____
9.     We minister to others together.                                    ____
10.   We are kind to one another.                                         ____
11.   We treat each other to an occasional surprise.            ____
12.   We show love to one another in front of the kids.        ____
13.   We pray together every day.                                        ____
14.   We play and laugh together every day.                        ____
15.   We show the fruit of the Spirit in our marriage.            ____
16.   We show honor to one another.                                    ____
17.   We speak the truth to one another in love.                   ____
18.   We hold each other accountable.                                 ____
19.   We rejoice in our differences.                                       ____
20.   We are helping our remarriage flourish.                       ____
21.   We enjoy a fulfilling sexual relationship.                       ____
Now choose ONE of the statements to focus on this week.
What will you do to raise your number?
Put your plan into action!
COOKING MARATHON (from our family to yours)
by Joyce in Virginia, September 11, 2011, Written for Heart to Heart by request
Note from Lois: I believe these tips and tricks will help make food preparation easier and more fun, providing more valuable family time for you.
Short Version: Prepare/grill/cook/freeze/vacuum seal ("food save")
Day One: Food preparation (thawing/marinating/sorting/washing/soaking/readying)
Day Two: Have food ready to go from frig or freezer to grill. I do the inside and my husband, Mike, does the grilling--team effort. The end result is a wonderful array of seafood and poultry, legumes or whatever fits your budget.
Mike is outside grilling while I am inside cooking (beans; marinated chicken breasts and breaded chicken breasts in coconut oil; whole chicken in a crockpot; lasagna). I coat the chicken breasts and the fresh whole chicken with organic mustard and Tone's Restaurant Black Pepper (ground slightly coarser eliminating dust). The cooked food has a bit of a kick but when cut up the outside enhances the inside. I do not put water in the crockpot with the whole chicken. The broth when cooled can be frozen in ice trays and later used in our Thanksgiving dressing recipes or as a base for soups.

I do most of the cooking downstairs in our basement where I have created a "makeshift" kitchen. I set up my electric fry pan there; and the big laundry tub is great for heavy-duty cleanup, which we keep to a minimum by all the quirky tricks we have learned. 

Upstairs I have a large crock pot of beans (northern/pintos/navy--sort/wash/soak  overnight/rinse/cover with water/season with curry/sage/Tone's pepper). Cook on High for two hours and on Low the rest of the day. A couple of hours before turning them off, add lentils/split peas/whatever is on hand (lentils and split peas do not require soaking so just sort/rinse and add to the crock pot of beans (these give the beans more texture and thicken the soup and the pepper is coarse enough to be seen and tasted..yummmm). I serve the beans inside whole wheat Pitas and sprinkle dried cranberries on top  (they always taste better if they run down your arm when eating them!!) Of course, they can also be served in a bowl with the cranberries. The flavors of the simple seasonings and the beans are enhanced by the flavors in the cranberries.  Carrots/onions can also be added. Let cool in the crockpot (at least an hour or more) spoon into large jars using a large canning funnel or spoon into bowls. I like the restaurant-size jars so I can just screw on the tops and keep the smells inside. The beans keep well for up to four days in frig.

I would love to have freezer container ideas for beans. I have tried several ways to avoid plastic; however, this works. Reusable plastic containers the circumference of a salad plate (the reason for this is that I want to go thin and not thick when freezing so it will take less time to thaw) or smaller is what I am using now, but they take up freezer space and only the bottom of the container is filled. Spoon the beans from the frig into each container in one serving-size portions. Don't worry that this leaves the rest of the container space empty because after they freeze, I can just set them out for a few minutes; turn them upside down; and the "circular serving" of beans just pops right out onto to a tray for food saving. The beans last in the freezer for months and months; can be thawed in the frig/microwave/heated/served. "Mike grew up on pinto beans and chow-chow over cornbread and that is still his favorite meal!! Could that be Mike's incentive to 'participate in our cooking marathon?!'"

Upstairs in our kitchen oven I have lasagna baking (thaw in the frig for at least a day so it will cook in less time with less energy). It can be freshly made; or Stouffers; or any large pan lasagna baked using the package directions. One tip is to remove the lid and clean all the sauce and cheese off and take a damp paper towel and clean all around the rim so when you "tent" the lid, all the sauce and cheese cook inside the pan and do not spill out into your oven. I bake ours on an Air Bake cookie sheet to prevent spills into the oven. Cook/cool/cut into serving-size squares/place on wax paper-lined trays; and freeze (one last wax paper between food and foil).

Day Three: I set up our "food saving" counter (can be at a kitchen island in front of the TV or downstairs on top of the chest freezer. If we time it just right we can do this at kickoff when the Virginia Tech Hokies are playing one of the ACC teams--another incentive for "Hokie Dad" Mike!! It takes two of us working together; one inserting the food into the "Food Saver" bags (make ahead of time if you use the rolls which is more economical) sealing/store/freeze. This can be done in stages, but "We train for this marathon so we go ahead and finish the race."

Supplies: Trays suitable for freezing (the best season to find plastic reusable trays is in the spring when the patio and picnic items are in stock at Target, Walmart, even the dollar stores). Line the tray with paper towels/wax paper/layer of food/wax paper (in that order) then wrap all your layers in tin foil for freezing--you will always have a protective layer between the food and the plastic trays. The paper towels soak up the condensation that forms when you remove the food from the freezer, but food will stick to paper towels. Parchment paper would be even better and provide easier cleanup, but is much more costly. Tin foil trays are okay but not as sturdy. Food rarely sticks to the wax paper as long as the food is cool. Layering reduces the number of trays.

Tip: Since condensation forms inside the foil and wax paper, before taking trays of food upstairs to food save, I strip off the foil and lay it out to dry/blot with paper towels/store and reuse.

Large jars (described previously): As the beans remain in the frig for a day, they thicken and are easier to spoon into containers. You may even add a bit of water when heating. The large pickle jars work great!

Food Supply: We buy natural organic foods from the Co-Op as much as possible; Walmart for Tone's Restaurant Black Pepper; Omaha Steaks (great quality/prices/sales/deals; see end of article for links and comments); also Sam's Club.

Recipes and Creativity: (the sky's the limit!) We love the simplicity of the mustard/pepper marinade and use it on salmon, chicken, even breaded chicken which tastes good on whole wheat bread with mayo and sliced pickles. I rarely eat red meat, but the Omaha Steaks grilled hamburgers/steaks/pork for Mike, when food saved, taste just like they came off the grill. We even grilled our first lobster tails that were in one of our seafood orders (those never made it to the freezer!!) Instead, we "refueled" to finish the race!!

Storing/Filing/Timesaving Our "marathon foods" would get lost in our freezer so we have learned to store "like foods" after sealing ("food saving") in labeled Hefty Jumbo zip lock bags in alphabetical order flat in our freezer. That way, we do not have to sort through all the Hefty's each time we want to find an entree (this must be the OCD in me!! pray for Mike!!).

Your Finish Line: You listened to your coaches/believed/trained/prepared/persevered/did a little grillin, "did a little freezin,' did a little food savin," and finished the race and you made it to the finish line!!

Congratulations!! Now, what's for dinner?!!

Rewards and Benefits: Prepared ready-to eat entrees without all the sodium and preservatives (add a veggie and salad) and "Dinner's on the table." Pop the food into a cooler when visiting kids and grandkids out of town or going to the beach. Save time/money/exposure to food borne illnesses. Healthy meals/less planning/more quality time with family. Fewer trips to the store saves on gas. Neighbor/friend/loved one in need? Just fill a small cooler and share a meal for later; or prepare and deliver the meal on a tray with a card and a rose bud and a loaf of bread from Fresh Market tied with raffia; and you will receive the blessing of giving!!

Links and Product Information for things that help us run our race:

Walmart: Tone's Restaurant Black Pepper ("ground slightly coarser eliminating dust.")

Omaha Steaks has good prices/sales/deals/clearance sales and frozen food is delivered right to your door. They have meats/seafood/vegetables/casseroles/desserts and so far everything we have ordered has been delicious. Watch for "Jill's Deals" on the Today Show during holidays, where I discovered Omaha Steaks. The food is shipped with dry ice in large recyclable coolers ready for the freezer. During our most recent "marathon," two of the packages of salmon had rips in the plastic packaging (uncharacteristic of their quality). I called Omaha Steaks customer service and within a few days a gift card to use on my next order arrived in the mail. Excellent customer service; might try negotiating for free shipping.
Trays: approximately 13" x 20"  The best season to find plastic reusable trays is in the spring when the patio and picnic items are in stock at Target, Walmart, even the dollar stores.
Air Bake: I used these when we needed a new stove and everything burned on the bottom. They are wonderful!! and they come in so many different sizes: go the the air bake site first and find all the choices and then look at Walmart/Target/Bed Bath & Beyond locally or order from Amazon:; Walmart: 11740709
About the Author: Joyce and her husband, Mike, are very involved in their church.  They have a grown daughter as well as a married son and daughter-in-law who have blessed them greatly with their first grandchild.

This is a recipe I put together over the weekend, as I have been eliminating foods that cause inflammation from my diet.  I didn't figure the amounts for this recipe, but I know you can all figure it out just fine!  This freezes very well and is delicious!
chicken breasts, cooked and cubed
brown rice, cooked
artichokes, marinated, canned
garlic, minced
fresh spinach leaves, stacked and sliced into thin strips (add at the very end)

Stand up in the place where the dear Lord has put you, and there do your best.
God gives us trial tests.
He puts life before us as an antagonist face to face.
Out of the buffeting of a serious conflict we are expected to grow strong.
The tree that grows where tempests toss its boughs and bend its trunk often
almost to breaking, is often more firmly rooted than the tree which grows in
the sequestered valley where no storm ever brings stress or strain.
The same is true of life. The grandest character is grown in hardship.

by Melissa Breyer     from Care2 Green Living blog
Handheld hair dryers were introduced for the domestic market in 1920, and since then countless hairdos have relied on that combination of heat and air to achieve their coiffed perfection.
But the humble blow dryer has plenty of other services to offer around the house -- here are a handful of them:
 If If you need to quickly set the icing on a cake, the air and heat of a hair dryer can quicken up the process.
If your cake won't unstick from the cake pan, use your hair dryer on the bottom of the pan then invert it, it should drop right out.
  Running an ice cream scoop under hot water helps, but you can also try using a hair dryer on the carton to soften ice cream for easy scooping.
4.  Automatic ice-makers can get jammed with frozen ice; relieve that with a long blast of hot air to melt unwanted icebergs.
6. Remove contact paper from shelves by heating it with the hair dryer and gently working the edges up. Also works for bumper stickers and other rogue sticky things.
7. Use a hair dryer to dust hard-to-dust items; the air will blow the dust somewhere else, but hopefully somewhere else that is easier to dust.
8. Personally, I like my kids' crayon marks on my walls, but for the rest of you: Heat the crayon marks until softened, then scrub with hot water and detergent.
9 Old photo albums with magnetic pages can get stuck -- unstick them with a blast from the hair dryer.
  Spot-iron wrinkles by lightly dampening the area and then heating the wrinkles with your dryer.
1 Wet boots, shoes, and sneakers can take on a terrible odor if left to dry slowly -- alleviate that by drying them with your hair dryer.
 Winter can bring frozen windows and locks -- thaw them with a hair dryer.
1Window screens collecting dust and pollen? Blow it back to whence it came.
 Removing bandages can hurt more than the wound, so soften the adhesive with a hair dryer first to ease the rip.
1I If you have trouble keeping a hot compress hot, keep your hair dryer by you and reheat as necessary.

Bonus: For wrinkled ribbons and fabric belts, employ a curling iron to straighten them out.


by Glynnis Whitwer
Reprinted with permission by Proverbs 31 Ministries and Glynnis Whitwer.   Learn more by visiting and

"So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, 'On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.'" Genesis 22:14 (NIV)
Have you ever been in a situation so desperate that it looked hopeless?

Have you ever sat at the kitchen table wondering how you were going to pay the electric bill? Have you ever stood at a door that's been slammed in your face by an angry teenager and despaired at having a relationship with him again? Have you ever had your heart broken so deeply that you wondered if you would feel whole again?
Sadly, we live in a broken world where desperate situations happen every day. I know someone reading this devotion is wondering how she will make it through the day because her situation looks hopeless. If that is you, I encourage you to keep reading. I believe God has a message of hope for you today.

That message is found in the Bible, in the story of a man who was dealing with his own desperate situation. His name was Abraham and he faced the greatest testing of his life. After longing for a son for many years, God finally gave Abraham a boy, whom he named Isaac. Abraham never imagined God would test his faith by asking him to sacrifice his son. But it happened.

It had to have been the darkest day of Abraham's life as he trudged up the mountain, with firewood strapped to his son's back. Every step took Abraham closer to what he believed to be the sad ending of a "hopeless situation," the death of his son. Yet in spite of his sorrow, Abraham trusted God. His heart wasn't soaring with joy. He wasn't dancing up the mountain. But he put one foot in front of the other. Walking through the darkness of the situation; obeying His God's commands.

Unbeknownst to Abraham, something else was walking up that mountain. Quietly. Out of sight. On the other side of the mountain. Something else was putting one foot in front of the other. Only Abraham couldn't see it.

For every step Abraham took, a ram on the other side of the mountain took a step.

All Abraham saw that day was his solitary journey of pain. As he got closer to the top of the mountain, his dread must have increased. I wonder if he asked himself any questions. I would have. I would have wondered why hadn't God intervened? Why hadn't God stopped this testing? Couldn't God see that Abraham was a man of faith? Why test him in this way?

But there was no answer. There was no voice from heaven. And so Abraham kept obeying his God's command. He put Isaac on an altar and prepared to sacrifice his one and only son.

And just at that very moment, at the very last second, when it looked like the end had come, God spoke, stopping the sacrifice. Abraham looked up and there caught in the thicket was a ram. Abraham took his son off the altar, replaced him with the ram, and offered the sacrifice to God.

Abraham named that place "Yahweh-Yireh" or "The Lord Will Provide." And the story was written down for generations of God-followers to read. It was written so that you and I today would read it as we face our own hopeless situations. It was captured in print so that you and I would know that God is already planning for our provision. We don't see it. We don't hear it. But we can trust that our God is at work. On your behalf, and on mine.

I choose to trust God today. A ram is on the way.

Dear Lord, You know how desperate I am today. You know that my faith has wavered. Although I want to trust You, I'm having trouble doing so. I ask for Your intervention in my situation, and for an increase of my faith while I wait. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
The Character of God: Understanding His Heart for Us by Brian T. Anderson & Glynnis Whitwer
Visit Glynnis on her blog for more encouragement and enter to win a copy of Renee Swope's new book, A Confident Heart: How to Stop Doubting Yourself & Live in the Security of God's Promises.
When you purchase resources through Proverbs 31 Ministries, you touch eternity because your purchase supports the many areas of hope-giving ministry we provide at no cost. We wish we could, but we simply can't compete with prices offered by huge online warehouses. Therefore, we are extremely grateful for each and every purchase you make with us. Thank you!
Application Steps: Read Psalm 91. List the promises God has for those who love Him.
Reflections: God's timing is not our timing. What are some reasons God might wait to answer our prayers?
Read the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22. What are some of the things Abraham did right that I can apply to my situation?
Power Verses: Psalm 91:14, "'Because he loves me,' says the LORD, 'I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.'" (NIV)  Psalm 22:5, "They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed." (NIV)
© 2011 by Glynnis Whitwer. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries, 616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Matthews, NC 28105,

Note from Lois: Parents, I hope you will use some of these ideas to create a special fun time with their children!  My children used to love "Me and Mom" times!  Now that I'm a grandma, I love to use these ideas with our grandchildren!


  • 20 Fun Ideas That Won't Break The Bank - When the kids get home from school, make some of these fun and inexpensive crafts! Not ready to spend a fortune on supplies? We've come up with some fun projects you can make with recycled materials from around the house. Here are some ideas to get you started!
  • Bottle Pumpkin - Kids will love putting these super easy pumpkins together. Make a whole bunch of them to decorate for a Halloween party or to set out on the porch!
  • Bug Village - Here's a great craft for almost NO money! All you need are a few sticks, some acorn tops, rocks, and imagination! These darling little critters have a home of their own in this cute craft.
  • Cardboard Tube Scarecrow - This fun recycled craft made from a paper towel roll and scrap fabrics and felts is an adorable project for Fall. Gather the kids around, pull out the craft supplies and get cracking on your own scarecrows!
  • Coffee Filter Sunflowers - Some of my favorite crafts are ones created with items that are often found around the house. This big, beautiful sunflower is a great example. All you need are coffee filters, crayons, scissors and a glue stick!
  • Craft Stick Fall Tree - This simple craft is a great way to celebrate the coming of fall, even for the younger set. No patterns are required, just sticks, foam or felt and a little imagination.
  • Fall Crayon Craft - I love a clearance rack. After every holiday, I am out hunting the bargains. In recent years, Halloween has emerged as the second largest retail holiday. That means lots of neat merchandise to amass and people are decorating earlier than ever. As I went through my Halloween boxes, I came across a ghost cake pan that was free with a purchase. Ghost cakes are adorable, albeit a little on the large side. But who needs cake when the trick-or-treat candy is so plentiful? So I decided I needed a new idea to use the ghost cake pan.
  • Fall Leaves Shirt - This adorable shirt can be made for either a boy or a girl. So colorful and vibrant they are definitely going to love it! Go even further and add their name for a personalized touch. Make one today!
  • Feeding Station For Birds - Make this Feeding Station for Birds out of recycled plastic pop bottles. And don't miss the simple pine cone feeder for the little ones to make.
  • Football Star Shirt - Is your child a budding football star? Maybe you have big football fans in your family? This shirt is an ideal gift and a really fun project for game day. Whether a fan or a player, your kids will love it!
  • Furry Head Pencils - Terri of brings us this great craft. Watch 'em wiggle when you write! Makes a great party favor.
  • Memory Collage - We all want to teach our children that it's not the material things in life that are important, but it's not always an easy lesson. One way we can begin to teach this is to focus on family memories in the making of a collage.
  • Paper Bag Tree - Grab a brown paper lunch bag and some Autumn colored tissue paper to make this easy and fun tree that appears to be blowing in the wind. A fun craft to make with your children this Fall season.
  • Personalized Pencil Case - Personalize a pencil case for a cool back-to-school accessory. Super easy for kids of any age, get your kids started on this fun project today.
  • Plastic Cup Crow - So many scarecrow crafts, but what about the crows? As autumn rolls in and farmers work on their harvest, the crows will be looking for free goodies. Make this cute little crow to celebrate fall!
  • Salt Dough Football - It's football season! Here's a fun craft to keep your kids busy during the game. Make this fun mini football into a magnet for the fridge or even a good luck charm for watching the game!
  • Salt Dough Pumpkin Patch - Salt dough is a great medium for fun and creative crafting. Take this sparkly pumpkin patch for instance! Salt dough recipes aren't just for kids. Make these fun and festive pumpkins this Fall for your holiday decorating.
  • School Days Pin - These crafts are easy to make and are ideal for back to school.
  • Sukkah Plaque - Autumn is just around the corner. Be ready to make these fun crafts with your kids. Share these ideas with your child's teacher so the whole class can join in the fun.
  • Wreath of Leaves - Autumn is just around the corner. Be ready to make this fun fall craft with your kids. Share this colorful idea with your child's teacher so the whole class can join in the fun.
You know God has blessed you with a house full of little boys when to soothe your fussy baby girl, you find yourself humming the "Spider Man" theme song... ~ Elaine in Virginia

It's official.  We are in trouble.  I tell Mike (husband) we need to go to the P-A-R-K and Anna (4) says, "Yea, and I need to take my bike!  Yikes! ~ Lauren in Virginia

While visiting our daughter and hubby in Georgia, our "prophetic" grandson (4) asked me why his Papaw Jack and I were so old. I told him we were born a long time ago and each year, our bodies age. I did remind him that even though he was only 4, he was older than he was when he was born, to which he replied: "But my skin is still straight." ~ Jane (sent by Terrie in Virginia)

The following three quotes are from my niece, Bethany (3) ~ Julie in Washington

"Beth, do you want to go to the gym with me tomorrow?"
Bethany: "Who's Jim?"

"How old are you?"
Bethany: "I'm free!"

What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Bethany: "Five!"

Years ago when our daughter was a waitress, a young family was about to order, when Joy reminded the parents that their little boy was "Free!"  He looked at her with a scowl and said in no uncertain terms, "I'm four!!!" ~ Lois
 The following three gems are from Nancy in Pennsylvania, after finding some quotes she had written down years ago when her kids were small:

Diane and Kevin were staying with Grandpa and Grandma Walker for a few days. While eating, Diane (6) kicked Grandma under the table. When Grandma asked why Diane kicked her, Diane said, "I just wanted you to look at me so I could tell you I love you!" ~ Nancy in PA

One evening my husband and I were playing around and he began to chase me. I ran into the bathroom and tried to lock the door. But he pushed it open and gave a gentle push. As a result, I fell back into the open clothes hamper! Later, Diane (6) called Grandma and told her that "Daddy was fighting Mommy and stuck her in the clothes hamper." ~ Nancy in PA

I was preparing to paint the living room so I removed all the photos, etc. from the walls in the room. Kevin (3 years) came in from playing and when he saw the room, he said, "Uh, oh, Mommy, you be in trouble!" You see, he had tried removing the picture from the wall above his bed and I told him he would be in trouble if he did so! ~ Nancy in PA

I got a good laugh tonight as the girls were in the bathtub and I heard Savannah (4) inform her daddy, "Dad, this generation (pointing to herself and sister) needs more bubbles." ~ Lauren in Virginia

Comment from my 3 yr-old granddaughter, Jocelynn, as I was struggling to open the top to a jar.  "Nonnie, I think you have too many cracks in your skin and you aren't strong enough to do this. "  (cracks = wrinkles)  In other words: I am OLD!  I have been avoiding all this for so long....leave it to a child to just spit out the truth! ~ Terrie in Virginia

My daughter, a part time Registered Dietitian, was giving a presentation on eating lots of fruits and vegetables to her daughter's Pre-K class.  To begin she asked the children what they thought a Registered dietitian does in her job.  "Magic tricks!" came the answer from one of the four year olds!  She said, "No, but what I do has to do with breakfast, lunch and dinner, so what do you think I do?  Another quick reply, "Wash your hands!" ~ Lois

I was giving Gracie (7) all-over face kisses when her daddy reminded her it's time to go to bed.  She said, "Hold on, Daddy.  I'm having a moment that I love."  That made me laugh. ~ Penny in Virginia 
Ladies, I would love to hear from you anytime!
Simply reply to any newsletter and share your thoughts with me.
I'm always looking for cute quotes from kids (old or new quotes would be great)!

I pray each of you found something to bless, encourage and teach you in this edition!
Please remember to pray for each dear Heart to Heart lady and her family,
because so many ladies are going through very tough times and need our prayers!
Some have lost loved ones, others have lost jobs, homes, or their good health.
Pray each day for the protection of our troops, and for their families left at home!
God bless you and your family and keep you in His loving care!
Your Heart to Heart friend


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