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Re: Long time no post

Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>

On 8/1/2013 1:45 PM, Ken wrote:

<blockquote cite="" type="cite">

Am I to understand from this quote, that if I don't particularly agree with "young earth" that I am not approaching the Scriptures well, and that I am compromising - the kind of compromise that has contributed to the loss of Christian foundation in the culture?


In my spiritual formation class I learned, "The science represented in the Old Testament is only correct in so far as the understanding of the physical world at the time the autographs were written, or the oral traditions were formed."  The Bible isn't a science text book. It wasn't intended to be a science text book. When we try to force the bible to be a science text book we are using the bible in an extra-scriptural way. The same is exactly true with using the bible as a chronograph.



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