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Re: Pre-knitting in the womb?

Posted by: joyncharles <joyncharles@...>

I believe you are right on. Since basically nothing is said in scripture we must not get too radical. 
On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 10:17 AM, Douglas Anderson <> wrote:

A question from a friend who is searching for truth:

"What do you think/the bible says happens before you
are born? A lot of discussions are focused around what happens
when one dies, but you never really hear about what happens
before. Are you in heaven before? Does your God send you to Earth,
does he pick out your parents? Why does he send you down?"

My answer:

Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you
knit me together in my mother’s womb.

The Bible doesn't say much about before this, "pre-knitting". And
actually, this passage is poetic so it shouldn't be taken
literally - it should be interpreted as poetry. What I believe is
that we are created, and we are created at the moment of
conception. We do not exist prior to conception. But I don't
really have much in the way of scripture to back it up. Let me
look through some of my literature and see what I can find. I have
to admit that at least some of this view is influenced by my
training in biology and medicine/pharmacy.

But there has got to be a better answer to his question(s) than
this. What say you?




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Rev, Charles and Joy Cockroft
Senior Pastors
Abundant Life Assembly of God
Marshall, Texas
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...

It's about learning to dance in the rain"


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