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Re: "Prepared" is "not Spirit-led"

Posted by: ebenezerstone <ebenezerstone@...>

Not a bit Douglas although some may claim scriptural evidence by cherry picking text out of context.

Think about this. The prophets were given inspired words that were written down and repeatedly read word for word across the land. Spirit led word, but prepared and read word for word over and over.

In His Service
R. Duane Gryder
HonorBound MM / Motorcycle Chaplain
NCOM Christian Unity Council member
Assemblies of God US Missionary #2605988
PO Box 475 - Aubrey, Tx 76227
940-365-3995 Cell: 432-557-8417
"The individual activity of one man with backbone will do more than a thousand men with a mere wishbone."
-- William J. H. Boetcke
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On Jan 9, 2014, at 8:20 AM, "Douglas Anderson" <> wrote:

I'm a guitar player and have played P&W in church for nearly 20 years now. I've seen this thinking particularly in P&W, but from the pulpit too - that "preparation inhibits the Spirit." Even to the point of refusing to prepare a music list ahead of time so that people could learn the songs. "We'll play what the Spirit leads me to play." Not everyone has the same ear, and I've often heard people play the chords that the Spirit led them to play, with cacophonous, disharmonious results. I've always heard many extemporaneous, off the cuff sermons, resulting in a similar cacophony. My experience, particularly in music but from the pulpit too, is that lack of preparation leads to sloppiness. Where does the idea that "unprepared" equates to "Spirit-led" come from? Why cannot a carefully, prayerfully prepared sermon/worship set be Spirit-led? Is there any scriptural support for this thinking?


Phil 4:13

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