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Re: Graphics problem

Posted by: MikeHere <MikeHere@...>

I think you're right the graphics card could be a suspect, or its
driver. Even if the driver is the latest release I would get a clean copy
and reinstall it. Going to need the model #

There are a lot buffering shadowing options in the BIOS, a search of the
motherboard's support might reveal a setting that's too aggressive.

Easier and along the line of less aggressive settings, in display
properties, advanced, troubleshooting, try lowering the hardware
acceleration, and disable write combining.


At 07:09 PM 8/2/2005, you wrote:
>Hello all
>First the machine specs ...
>Pentium 4 2.8
>1 gig ddr ram
>128mg GeForce4 mx 440 (asus card)
>winxp sp2
>We have a newish problem that seems to be related to graphics - when using
>MovieMaker or Animation Shop, both which used to be fine, we have constant
>lockups - just the programme, not the system. I have done the usual things
>of cleaning up the temp files, degragging, making sure there is heaps of
>free disk space etc but to no avail. Animation shop works fine, then when
>I try to look at applying a transition effect it locks up during the
>preview. MovieMaker will do a few things then lock up when trying to apply
>an effect.
>Other things are working fine and just as quick as usual - Powerpoint
>transitions and animations are fine.
>Can someone point me on where to go? My first thought is that the graphics
>card could be failing and I should get a new one ... graphics is not
>usually my area at all but my daughter is trying to do a lot of stuff for
>her school courses and it is proving a real headache.
>Any suggestions?