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Re: Windows 10 Question

Posted by: popozark <popozark@...>

Well you are running out of time for the free upgrade, but yes it is
a good time and a new update is fixing to be released (I think it is
called anniversary update)

It depends on how old the machine is and what is has in it.

Make sure you have plenty of free space on your hard drive and a good
bit of ram.

I run 8 GB's of ram.

This is one of those updates you can start and then leave for a few
hours and then check up on it and then let it finish.

I big caveat.

What peripherals are you using? Printers, scanners, special
equipment? Some of these might require new drivers to work properly.

My HP 8600 had to be redone numerous times to get the scanner
working. Finally I had to reset the computer and will try it later.
(I installed the drivers on a fresh 10 load from factory and it works
like a charm.)


At 11:52 AM 6/22/2016, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I know that a lot has been said about Windows 10. I am thinking
>about upgrading my main computer (The one I do all of my church
>work, audio and video editing, email and such on.!) What is your
>experience? Can I just let it all happen with the install and be
>assured that when I come back, all will be well? What do you think?
>Is this the best time to do this?
>Lord bless,
>Pastor Walt

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Redeemer Lutheran Church
DeRidder, LA SL 82

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