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Posted by: btolliver <btolliver@...>

Dear "In-Pact" partners:
It is highly unusual for us to send extra e-letters, and particularly so to send two in the same month.  However, it occurred to us that some of you may not remember that Thursday, May 1st, is our annual National Day of Prayer in America.  In reality, it has become an International Day of Prayer and Fasting.  And, in keeping with that, our Central and Eastern Europe region of IMB missionary endeavors has also chosen to focus on that day.
So, Jo Ann and I are asking you to join us Thursday, May 1st, for a special emphasis on prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving.  Please read the material below, and commit yourself to be involved in targeted, strategic, focused, authoritative, courageous, faith-filled praying as we join millions upon millions of believers world wide in coming before our Heavenly Father in behalf of the many needs that exist.
It isn't too late to pass this information on to others you know.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if 100 million or more believers prayed together during the same 24 hour period of time!
As you pray for the world, remember us personally.  Pray for . . .
   Bob's Dad who is suffering from lower  back pain caused by his back going out recently, and also bowel problems created by severe pain killers, and his May 5th doctor's appointment.
   Keri and Gerri while they are in candidate conferences this week-end in Richmond, VA.  Pray that God will call them to Kiev (if it's His will as well as ours), will make it clear, and enable them to make the schedule.  Also Jason as he continues, though a few months behind in the process.
   Ricky and Marina as they continue the process of making application to become ISC missionaries here in Kiev.
   Church leadership at IBC as we continue forming a shepherding team of about six individuals.  Praise God for one who has agreed to head up Member Care and another who has agreed to lead in either Discipleship and Leadership Development or in Outreach Evangelism.  Pray especially that God will raise up someone to head up the most important ministry we have . . . . Prayer Strategies.
   Jo Ann and the ESL program as it continues to adjust and develop.  Praise God for [REMOVED]'s return and immediate insertion into the ESL program.
   The need to develop a strong ministry of worship as soon as possible.d
Be sure to read the following three articles that will help you further in your praying.  Pass this on to others.
Have a great day praying and fasting.
In His Bond
Bob and Jo Ann
Your IMB missionaries in Kiev.
Dear IMB Colleagues,
Attached you will find the May 2003 CEE Regional Prayer Calendar. Our prayer is that this prayer calendar will unite our hearts in prayer for the region and the World.
CEE Day Of Prayer And Fasting:  May 1, 2003
      Reverence, Exodus 3:5-6
      Humility, Prov 15:33; Phil 2:2-9
   Ask God to help us:
      Confess our sins
      Seek His Direction
      Rely on Him instead of ourselves
Please Include These Additional Special Days of Prayer in May 2002
   Days Of Enlightenment (Buddhist), May 1-15, 2003
   World Day of Prayer, May 1, 2003
      Theme:  "Righteousness Exalts A Nation"
      Scripture:  Prov 14:34, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."
American Christians Answer Congressional Call to Day of Gratitude, Fasting and Prayer
American evangelicals will bow their heads in prayer on May 1 as they honor a government request to seek and thank God as part of a "National Day of Prayer: A Day of Gratitude, Fasting and Prayer." In a combined effort, several Christian organizations have all agreed to respond to the congressional call for a "Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer" by combining with the already established National Day of Prayer, May 1, 2003.
In the early stages of the war in Iraq, Congress called America to a day of "Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer." The National Association of Evangelicals, the National Prayer Committee, the Mission America Coalition, The Presidential Prayer Team, the National Day of Prayer Task Force and the Nationally Broadcast Concert of Prayer have all agreed to respond with The National Day of Prayer to encourage gratitude, fasting and prayer among American Christians.
Gratitude in thanking God for the minimal loss of life in removing Saddam Hussein from power and for the freedom the Iraqi people now have to form their own government.
Fasting to seek God by asking all Christians to fast one meal on May 1 to acknowledge we are powerless and helpless without the grace and mercy of God.
Prayer on May 1 by all Christians for American leaders and for national issues in order to live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and holiness, so that the United States might enjoy God's blessings.

Mission America Coalition joins Congressional Call for Fasting & Prayer

May 1, 2003 designated a day of gratitude, fasting & prayer

Palm Desert, CA (4/28/03)— Thursday’s National Day of Prayer (May 1) will take on new meaning this year for thousands who will also participate in a special call to prayer and fasting. The Mission America Coalition (MAC) along with MAC partners, The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), the National Prayer Committee, the National Day of Prayer Task Force and the Nationally Broadcast Concert of Prayer have agreed to respond to the Congressional Call for a Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer on May 1, in coordination with National Day of Prayer activities and the Nationally Broadcast Concert of Prayer.

In the aftermath of the war in Iraq, Rev. Wayne Pederson, president of MAC, believes there is much for which to thank God. "God was so gracious to protect and direct our efforts in Iraq," he says adding, "We as a nation fasted and prayed before the conflict. It's appropriate now that in humility, we fast and thank God for His hand in the defeat of evil." Dr. Ted Haggard, president of the NAE, says because Congress called America to a day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer in the early stages of the Iraqi War, they have decided to call this day, "The National Day of Prayer: A Day of Gratitude, Fasting and Prayer."

Haggard says in addition to the traditional Christian disciplines of fasting and prayer, the day will emphasize gratitude in celebrating the forgiveness and victory found in a personal relationship with Christ, "thanking God for the minimal loss of life in removing Saddam Hussein from power and for the freedom the Iraqi people now have to form their own government." Pederson also believes the day offers a wonderful opportunity for Christians to join this nationwide call to humility, fasting and prayer and "experience God in a new way through this initiative."

The Presidential Prayer Team has written a guide for churches and organizations to use in recognition of the National Day of Prayer. The guide and the congressional call can be downloaded from

MAC is an unprecedented cooperative effort of some 500 national Christian leaders who have prayerfully come together to help unite Christians for prayer, evangelism and revival. NAE is comprised of churches from 50 member denominations and individual churches from an additional 27 denominations, as well as several hundred independent churches and 250 parachurch ministries and educational institutions. MAC and NAE recently announced a strategic alliance focused on evangelism.