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Posted by: btolliver <btolliver@...>

Dear Friends:
We'll be sending our monthly newsletter next week, but I want to get these special prayer requests to you.
1.  Update on my father:  The surgery on the 31st was successful; they removed the lump, the lymph glands in the neck and eleven small nodules they found.  He came out of surgery at 6:15 Monday evening and they sent him home Wednesday morning.  When he got home he took my daughter and son-in-law out for lunch.  That's Dad!
Unfortunately, yesterday's follow up report was not good news.  All eleven nodules were malignant, and the doctor told him there were numerous others in his neck which they presumed would also be malignant.  He goes to the doctor May 5th to consider a modified regimen of chemo therapy.  We will know something more after that.
In the meantime, he remains his upbeat, optimistic, faith-centered self, bringing encouragement to others and insisting that nobody worry about him.  We'll call him later tonight or tomorrow.
2.  Sam Taylor, Strategy Coordinator for Kiev Oblast and our direct supervisor, is in Budapest for tests and possible surgery for gall bladder problems.  He'll be there a week to ten days.  Pray for him and his wife Deanne and children as they remain here in Kiev.
3.  Alana Berryman is our statistical researcher and demographics specialist here in Kiev.  She is currently in Budapest undergoing tests for some gynecological problems that could very possibly send her back stateside for surgery. 
4.  Kent and Rachell McDowell are stateside for cancer surgery on Rachell.  The doctors have found a baseball sized tumor under her sternum and are trying to determine the nature in order to decide on treatment.  Earlier last year Kent was beaten up and severely injured.  It has been a tough year for them.  Please intercede for them.  They are IMB missionaries in Donetsk, Ukraine.
5.  ESL classes and Bible studies at IBC.  Our ESL program is growing.  Currently we run between 60 and 90 weekly in the three classes.  The first two sessions of our new optional Bible studies averaged about 45 in attendance, 80% of them being unbelievers.  Ricky McCreight is teaching the Gospel of John.  Bob is teaching an apologetics-type study on "Considering Critical Questions".  It looks like that group will probably have 20 to 30 people in it.
[REMOVED] returns to Kiev April 22nd to begin small group and individual ESL sessions.  John and Betsy Sargent return May 2nd to assume their role with University level class which Jo Ann where has been filling it.  May 6th Jo Ann will begin the Intermediate level, bringing us to five levels.  Later this Spring we will begin one of the Professional level classes in Medical English, and this Fall we will add Business English.
This is a big ministry with unbelievable evangelistic opportunities.
6.  Two of our three Journeyman applicants are progressing well.  Keri Albrecht has interviews the week-end of April 29th.  Jason Myers will have his at a later session.  Keri could arrive as early as August; Jason in November.  Continue praying for them.
7.  Ricky and Marina McCreight have received the "go ahead" with their desire to join us on staff at IBC as ISC missionaries.  They sent in their initial paper work via the web last Monday and have been informed they are now in the system.  Pray that Marina's green card can be received quickly so they can return to the U.S. for interviews and training.
That's all for now.  Thank you for your fervent prayers.
In His Bond,
Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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