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The Lord Gives and the Lord Takes Away, Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

Posted by: randalm <randalm@...>

[I sent this by accident to the Topica list; if you
get it twice please forgive me. --Editor]

Forthright Magazine

Today, Phil shares this difficult moment in his
family. Keep them in your prayers.

The Lord Gives and the Lord Takes Away,
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
by Phil Sanders

This last week has been an enormous roller coaster
ride. My mother suffered a debilitating stroke to her
brain stem, which left her unable to swallow or to
talk. We do not know how much she can perceive and
understand when we speak to her. She cannot respond
with words and usually not even with a nod or blink of
an eye. She can move her limbs some. Mom has a high
likelihood of additional strokes and could easily
develop pneumonia. For her, both life and improvement
are uncertain.

Thanksgiving this year will not be the same. We can
only begin to think how wonderful God has been to us.
We can see and perceive, hear and understand, eat and
enjoy, talk and communicate. We can express love to our
families and friends. We can use our hands and feet; we
can clean ourselves. We can use our minds. We can pray.

How easily we take for granted all our blessings. God
is so good to us and gives us so very much. Never,
never forget the good things.

May God bless you.