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The Place of Safety

Posted by: Asn <Asn@...>

The flood [that is, the downpour of rain] was forty days upon the earth;
and the waters increased and bore up the ark, and it was lifted [high]
above the land. And the waters became mighty and increased greatly upon
the land, and the ark went [gently floating] upon the surface of the
waters. Genesis 7:17-18 Amplified

All around them was death and destruction. The flood waters were
undoubtedly littered with the decaying carcasses of livestock, wildlife,
and humanity. The floodwaters prevailed upon the earth for 150 days
(vs. 24) - a total of five months. Yet, sealed by God within the safety
of the ark (vs. 16), Noah and his family "gently floated" upon the
surface of the waters.

In Matthew 14, the disciples were crossing the lake in a boat and Jesus
came walking toward them upon the water. Peter cried out, "Lord, if it
is you, command me to come to you on the water." Jesus called to him and
Peter stepped out. I can imagine him locking his gaze upon the Master's
eyes, enveloped in the peaceful assurance of His presence. And as long
as the focus of his soul remained sheltered within the safety of the
Savior, he walked securely, unharmed by the waves. Who stepped out of
the place of safety by turning away? It was never Jesus' intention for
Peter to sink. It was only when Peter stopped pursuing Jesus and got
his eyes on the circumstance that he found himself in danger.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the place of safety that is found only in
You. There is within me, Father, a passionate longing to live in Your
presence. A yearning to know you and be known by You. Teach me Your
ways so that I may walk with You with a single-minded pursuit, and find
the place of safety in Your embrace. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen

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