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THE VINE [DEVOTION] - 17 April 2009

Posted by: feedtheflock_admin <feedtheflock_admin@...>

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John 15 is a strong exhortation from Jesus Himself for His followers to "stay" with Him, to "remain" in Him, to "continue" walking with Him. As Luke reports, Jesus

reiterated this concern when He said, "when the Son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8)


When listening to sermons, most of us more easily remember the illustrations than the didactic points that are given. Even though it was 45 years ago, I still remember a story told by my Pastor, a story about a wealthy man who was interviewing drivers for his limousine. Each of three applicants was asked the same question. "If you were driving my car over the mountain road, with a rock cliff on the left and a sheer drop off on the right, how close could you come to the edge without our being in danger of falling off?" The first driver boasted of his skill saying he could easily stay within 18 inches of the edge without being in any danger at all. The second was a bit more modest and estimated that 3 feet would be a good distance. But the man who was hired was the one who said, "Sir, I would keep as far away from the edge as I possibly could."


This is the challenge for us today. Rather than trying to find out just how close to the world and sin we can get without putting ourselves in danger, let's make every effort to draw as close to the "rock cliff" as we can. Let's draw closer to Christ who is the "Rock of our Salvation." Let's make sure we are clinging to the vine, abiding in the vine, remaining in the vine, living in the vine.




In the Bible there are many names referring to Jesus. In fact, someone has identified 140 titles, or names and offices of Jesus Christ - here are a few.

Jesus is:
Our Advocate (1 John 2:1), the Alpha and Omega (Revelations  1:8), the Amen (Revelations  3:14), and the Author and Finisher of  our Faith (Heb 12:2).

He is the Beloved Son (Matthew 12:18), the Bridegroom (Mark 2:19-20), Branch (Isaiah 4:2) and Bread of Life (John 6:32).

Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation (Hebrews 2:10), the Corner-stone (Isaiah 28:16), Counsellor (Isaiah 9:6), Creator (John 1:3), Dayspring (Luke 1:78), our Deliverer (Romans 11:26), the Door
(John 10:7, 9), Emmanuel (Isaiah 9:6) and the Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6).

He's the Faithful Witness (Revelations 1:5), the First Begotten of the Dead (Revelations 1:5), the Glory of the Lord (John 17:1), the Good Shepherd (John 10:11), our Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14),
Head of the Church (Ephesians 1:22), the Holy One (Acts 3:14) and The Horn of our Salvation (Luke 1:69).

Jesus Christ is the Great I Am (Exodus 3:14; John 6:35), the Image of God (II Corinthians 4:4), the Judge (Matthew 25:31-46), the Just One (Acts 7:52), King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev elations 19:16), the Lamb of God (John 1:29,36), the Life (John 14:6), Light of the World (John 8:1) and the Lion of Judah (Revelations 5:5). Jesus is the Man of Sorrows (Isaiah 53:3), Mediator (I Timothy 2:5), Messiah (John 1:41), Morning Star (Revelations 22:16), the Nazarene (Matthew 2:23), our Passover
(I Corinthians 5:7), Prince of Peace (Is 9:6) and Prophet (Acts 3:22).

He is called Rabbi (John 3:2), Redeemer (Job 19:25), Resurrection (John 11:25), Rock (I Corinthians 10:4), Rose of Sharon (Song of Songs 2:1), Saviour (Luke 2:11), the Son of the Highest (Luke 1:32), Son of Man (John 6:53), Suffering Servant (Isaiah 42:1-4) and the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2).


Taken from



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