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The Warmth of Christmas

Posted by: randalm <randalm@...>

Forthright Magazine

The Warmth of Christmas
by Randal Matheny

Ever notice how, as Christmas nears, people get
all mushy and sentimental? I do, too.

I remember my parents taking us into town just
about every year to see the Christmas lights.
Especially in one of the classier neighborhoods.
Since Paragould didn't have but 12 to 14 thousand
in those days, it didn't take us long. But it was
a great memory. We did that as family.

These warm feelings, I now know, are programmed
into us. Nothing wrong with that. It would be nice
if we'd program good feelings into a lot more
things in life. Would make the day-to-day living a
lot more pleasant.

But there are a lot of people for whom Christmas
is a nightmare.

No happy carols. No nice presents. No close family
relationships. No warm feelings.

Also, a programmed response. And nothing wrong
with that, either.

Which goes to tell me that, as nice as I think
Christmas is, and as much as I want it to be a
wonderful time for everybody, Christmas is not the
jumping-off point for a great life.

A few days ago, one kid wrote a poem. He would
look up at the first star and wish for ... peace,
happiness, banishment of poverty.

Pretty vague stuff. A long shot. A melancholy
Christmas wish.

There are people who think of Christ during
Christmas. I don't know if those thoughts can be
turned toward a truer picture of the Lord and
eventual obedience to him. But I'll try.

Because I know that, not Christmas, but Christ can
bring everyone the warmth of God's presence.