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Trembling and Awed

Posted by: randal <randal@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry

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by J. Randal Matheny © 2013

All glory and honor and blessing and praise
Be given to you every place, for all days,
Lord, holiest Father, the true, living God,
Before you we fall, as we're trembling and awed;
The Christ is our Lord, and eternally Word,
Through him you created all beasts, every bird,
>From earliest days, in your image we're formed,
The surface of earth with your light was first warmed;

In him has the day of deliverance dawned,
Rejoicing, we shout as the nations respond,
We look for his coming in power and might,
To judge the whole world in your holiest light;
In strongest of love you surrendered and gave
The Son to become like us, human, to save,
So we can delight in your presence with man—
Blessed be the God of all grace for his plan!

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