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Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2006, J. Randal Matheny

Today I'm making up for last week's miss.
And to my wife, a mushy Valentine kiss.

by J. Randal Matheny

A vexing voice within me whispers low,
"You're no good, never was, will never be.
Your efforts are a laugh -- futility!"
I hung my head, afraid another might know.

Within my soul I fear that voice is right,
That I have nothing to offer, an empty shell,
A hollow, loveless hull, a vacuous hell
That any moment now will come to light.

This vexing voice's tones are firm and sure,
Its accusations quash dissent and doubt;
It aims to scatter all that's pure and devout;
The more I listen, the more I'm insecure.

These lies that Satan whispers in my ear,
Are damning words that God refuses to hear.

Please share today's poem with your friends, if
you find it spurs a thought. Cloudburst needs to
grow, as all things do, and it depends on you to
give it a nudge. Thanks! --Randal