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Word for Today, Fri, 30 Jun 2000: Guiding Hope

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

What a good day to encourage someone else. While it is clear to
me that the leaders of our nation and our world are very
misguided, it is also clear to me that the One really in control
is STILL in control, the God of all creation.

I do care very much about the things around me, and it often
disturbs me to see some of the cultural and political things that
are going on. Yet, even on the same day that I see atrocities
occur, I also see the hand of God at work.

I believe that nothing is too difficult for our Lord - not even
our rebellious, callous attitudes. If this has been an
especially tough week for you, personally, my heart and my
prayers go out to you. I encourage you today to pause for a
moment and give thanks for your surroundings, regardless of how
humble they may appear. Everything around you is a gift from

I am sitting in a nice office right now, thankful that I have a
good job, and that I can give thanks as I begin a day of work.
But even if that weren't the case, I can still give thanks, for I
know that I am deeply loved, fully forgiven, and completely
accepted, regardless of what goes on in my life. That's more
than sufficient reason for me to have great hope in everything.

Brother Brian

Subject: Christian Thought for the day

This newsletter is careware. All I ask is that you
do something kind for someone today. You could start
by telling your mom, dad, brother, or sister that
you love them and how much they mean to you.

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~~~THE THOUGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

VERSE: ...the LORD of hosts, who is wonderful in
counsel and excellent in guidance.
Isaiah 28:29

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I pray for our leaders today,
that they may have your guidance in all their
decisions for the benefit of all mankind. Amen.

spirituality science morality ethics

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~~~AUTHOR AND SOURCE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), was the
leading civil rights activist in the US from the
mid-fifties through 1968, when he was assassinated
at the age of 39.

Today's quote is from The Penguin Dictionary
of Twentieth-Century Quotations

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~~~GREAT LINKS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum * All
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The Straight Dope * Thursday's Classroom * Time-Life Plant Encyclopedia

~~~RECOMMENDED READINGS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed
the World

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
by Martin Luther, Jr. King

Bearing the Cross : Martin Luther King, Jr. and
the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
by David J. Garrow

Dear Dr. King : Letters from Today's Children to
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr.
by James Haskins (ages 9-12)

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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