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Word for Today, Mon, 19 Jun 2000: Easy Does It!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I hope each of you had an enjoyable weekend. For those of you
with family and friends, perhaps you had an opportunity to spend
time with them. As for me, I certainly did. I have spent the
past month or so, "upgrading" my home, inside and out, for the
presence, not only of a wife, but of two young children.

This past Saturday, my father in law was a big help to us. He
brought a set of tools with him, and helped me, first, to realign
my sliding screen door, then to install a child swing set and a
"canopy" adult swing set.

Brenda and I had already been planning a "surprise" Father's Day
visit to one of Gordon's favorite restaurants, Red Lobster.
After all the help he was to us, it was not only our joy to take
him, but I personally felt like "I owed him one!" Just the same,
he was very surprised at the treat and extremely grateful.

I don't know about you, but I do not do things for others just so
I can get a compliment or something in return. Naturally, I
appreciate it, greatly, when that does happen. For me, Father's
Day is a great time to recognize our earthly Fathers and give
thanks to our heavenly Father. It was that kind of a weekend for

I wanted to share this message with you because the scripture in
it was one of the ones we discussed at our church service last
evening. We were discussing "peace". John 14:27 and Philippians
4:6 are two good reminders of the peace that Jesus Christ offers
to those who not only believe in Him, but trust Him for

Can you think of any other scriptures that talk about God's
peace? (There are many of them. If you are curious, and want to
do your own study, you might want to use as a resource.

Brother Brian

Daily Devotional for Monday, June 19, 2000

PCCWeb Daily

Monday, June 19, 2000
Today's Devotional

Easy Does It!

John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:
not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let it be afraid. (KJV)

A music teacher with whom I studied was a strong advocate of
"slow practice" when learning to play a new piece. The idea is
that one plays a new piece very, very slowly for the first week
or so. This helps ensure that one gets all of the notes right,
and that one plays at an even pace. Another advantage is that
there is time to appreciate how beautifully music is put
together. The slow pace also greatly reduces the stress often
associated with learning new things.

One of the slogans of 12-step programmes is "Easy Does It." It
refers to a process of "graceful effort." Under this principle,
you don't submit yourself to scenarios under which you are under
constant stress and fear. Rather, you make progress by setting
and realizing realistic, achievable goals. Success with less

A book that I used to read to my daughter summed it up nicely:
"Slow and steady, steady and slow. That's the only way to go."

Prayer: Dear Lord, give us grace not to rush through life, but to
take time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of our everyday
world. Grant us the peace promised by your son, Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.

Richard Frith <> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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