History on Madalyn Murray O’Hair

As you may know, police are pretty confident that the remains they’ve
found are those of Madalyn Murray O’Hair. Should you care, below is a
statement that her son William J. Murray (who is now a minister) made
regarding his mother in May 1999:

There is no getting around the evidence. For almost three years
the national atheist organization my mother once led has claimed she left
the country with a large amount of money. This was false and I will tell
you in this letter why they told this lie over and over again.

First, I want to talk to you about spiritual matters that the
general media does not understand.

My mother was not just Madalyn Murray O’Hair, the atheist
leader. She was an evil person who led many to hell. That is hard for me
to say about my own mother but it is true. When I was a young boy of ten or eleven years old she would come
home and brag about spending the day in X-rated movie theaters in
downtown Baltimore. She was proud of the fact she was the only woman in
the movie house watching this filth. My mother’s whole life circulated
around such things. She even wrote articles for Larry Flynt’s
pornographic magazine, Hustler. My mother lived in spiritual death as
Paul writes: “But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.”
I Timothy 5:6

My mother delighted in hiring unrepentant criminals to work in
her atheist office. She particularly enjoyed hiring convicted murderers
who had served their time but were unrepentant about what they had done.
She got a sense of power out of having men in her employ who had taken
human life. It was love of power over people that finally caused not only
her death, but the deaths of my brother and my daughter.

My mother had complete power over my brother, Jon, and my
daughter, Robin. Although I was able to break away from the evil of this
family, an evil that had been there for generations, they could not. My
mother did not permit either my brother or my daughter to speak to me.
She had total control of them.

My brother would have been forty years old the month he was
murdered. He lived with my mother. He had breakfast with my mother. He
went to work with my mother. He had lunch with my mother. He had dinner
with my mother. He went on vacation with my mother. He never married. He
never really even had the opportunity to have a serious relationship with
a woman because of the control my mother possessed over him. My mother
had the same control over my daughter. She was just thirty the year she
was murdered. She also lived with my mother. My mother used food to
control her and make her unattractive to men. By the time she was
murdered she was so heavy she had to purchase two airline tickets because
she could not fit in one seat.

For twenty years I could not talk to my brother. He would hang
up the phone on me or tear up my letters and send them back. The same was
true of my daughter. They both called me “TRAITOR” because I had accepted
Christ and changed my life. By “traitor” they meant that I no longer
followed the absolute direction of my mother as they did.

The house they lived in had statuettes of mating animals on
virtually every piece of furniture. There was a full cabinet of booze and
a refrigerator full of foods high in fat and sugar. They liked to live a
life which my mother called “high off the hog”.

I must admit that toward the end I had lost hope for my mother’s
conversion. The last ten years of her life she became even more profane
and vulgar as the demons she courted got their final hold on her. The
media stopped courting her because of the number of profane words she
would use which they had to edit out.>

My hopes and my prayers remai ned for my brother and my
daughter. I honestly believed that nature would take its cour se and that
my mother would die naturally, leaving them behind. In my heart I
believed that without her constant evil influence they would start to
move toward the light of God. I had even written letters to Jon and Robin
that I had planned on sending them when my mother died. Those letters
will never be mailed, nor will they be read, because they died with her.

My mother was an evil person … Not for removing prayer from
America’s schools … No … She was just evil. She stole huge amounts of
money. She misused the trust of people. She cheated children out of their
parents’ inheritance. She cheated on her taxes and even stole from her
own organizations. She once printed up phony stock certificates on her
own printing press to try to take over another atheist publishing
company. I could go on but I won’t. All the money my mother made in this
manner stayed behind. It did not go with her. “For we brought nothing
into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out.” I Timothy

My mother simply believed,

“Do what thou wilt shall be the only law.”

Regardless of how evil and lawless my mother was she did not
deserve to die in the manner she did. Yes, I understand that the
circumstances were of her own making. She hired convicted murderers to
work for her. She put one of those murders in charge of her office and he
stole more than $54,000 from her. That same murderer is now suspected of
killing her and Jon and Robin. He is also suspected of murdering and
decapitating one of the men he recruited to kidnap my family.

Still, she was 77 years old when she was kidnapped. She and my
daughter were held for almost 30 days, probably tied and gagged, while my
brother desperately tried to obtain ransom money. At all times my brother
was escorted by one of the kidnappers. Should he have run? Should he have
tried to get help? I would have. But, my brother was a total slave to my
mother. He saw himself as her provider and rescuer. All his life she had
talked down to him and made fun of him and now, in his mind, he would
show her his worth by single-handedly rescuing her. He was murdered for
his faithfulness.

Both my brother and daughter believed in my mother’s
“importance” because she declared it constantly. Many times a day my
mother would declare, “I am Madalyn Murray O’Hair.” She honestly believed
she had singled handedly removed prayer from school. She honestly
believed she had “liberated” America sexually.

In reality my mother did not create the times, the times created
her. She was what America was about in the sixties and seventies. There
were several cases going to the Supreme Court to remove prayer. Her case
just got there first. The left-wing Court of the day wanted prayer out of
the schools and to allow abortion on demand. They virtually were
advertising for cases to change America. But my mother saw the secular
and sexual turn in America as centered around her.

I can see her now looking down the barrel of a gun and saying,
“You don’t dare shoot me, I AM MADALYN MURRAY O’HAIR.” Of course, the
killers did not care who she was just as most Americans didn’t care. To
the majority of Americans and to the media she was just another celebrity
fruit cake, sort of the Hulk Hogan of atheism.

The media asked me if I would hold a funeral and if so would
there he prayer. My answer was simple but Biblical and sort of surprised
them I am sure. I said, “They are already either in heaven of hell,
praying over them now will not make a difference.”

I made that statement knowing the torture they must have gone
through the last thirty days of their lives. Did Robin pray to receive
Christ as she was bound and gagged? Perhaps. Did my mother or brother cry
out to the Lord just before they were murdered? I don’t know.

Christ is there for the vilest offender. The serial killer whose
prayer at the hour of his death is genuine is also forgiven. My mother,
my brother and my daughter may well await me in heaven. On the other
hand, they may have stood their ground defying God to the end, in which
case they are now spending yet another day of eternity in hell. If that
is the case I will never see them again.

The deaths of my mother, brother and daughter should make all
too clear the need for Christ to others that proclaim atheism. But those
who would follow my mother continue to fight against God and His
authority. “Fools make a mock at sin… ” Prov. 14:8

During Easter, what is left of my mother’s American Atheist
organization held a convention in New Jersey. My ministry placed an
advertisement in the newspaper there to tell them about Jesus. The new
atheist leader, Ellen Johnson, ranted and raved against me, against
Christ and against the Holy Spirit.

Johnson told the media that the whole idea of my mother being
murdered was a fabrication. She told the newspapers that I had
“manufactured” the story using my connections to Congress to trick the
FBI into getting involved. Why does this woman protest so much? Why does
she not even shed a tear for her departed leader?

The FBI is involved because one of the individuals has
confessed. How many others he will point his finger at I don’t know. But
I do understand the “wisdom” of Ellen Johnson. Her “wisdom” is found in
Psalm 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.”

Please continue to pray for this ministry and for my family.
This is a difficult time. The news media calls day and night about my
mother. The FBI even offered to provide a counselor for my wife Nancy and
me. I said no thank you, I told the agent my family already has a
counselor – the Great Counselor, Jesus Christ.