Jane Craven’s Witness
“I was doing drugs … and I was just sitting there crying”
I never knew the Lord until my sister and brother starting praying for mysalvation. I fought them all I could. I was into drugs, alcohol and I likedmy life just fine so I thought but as time passed I found out differently.I was in the bathroom one night and I was doing drugs well I was out, andI was just sitting there crying because I wanted more when all of a suddenthe room had a very bright glow I didn’t dare look up and I heard a voicesaying “Child what are you doing”? Well I was really scared and I startedthinking could this be God? And then again he said “I gave you that bodyand look what you are doing to it”. And I just started crying and tellingGod I was sorry . I got up off the floor of course I didn’t tell anyone becauseI was afraid of what they would think plus my husband had no idea that Iwas doing drugs.
I went to the phone and called my brother and told him to pick me up in themorning for church. I was going that Sunday! I know he had a smile on hisface. So I went to church that Sunday and gavemy life to the Lord. I knew this is the life I needed to live. As timewent by I kinda stopped going to church. I started hanging around with myold friends and before I knew it I was in to it again. My husband and I werehaving problems in our marriage and I just gave up all hope. I let the devilsteal my joy!!!! I know that now. Thank You Jesus.
Well we started to go back to church and the Lord has healed our marriageand I given up all my old ways such as drinking, smoking and I give the GoodLord all the Glory. My husband has changed too. We love our new church homeand we are active members there We are Greeters and Ushers and Also I helpin Gods Garden (childrens church) .
We have five wonderful children and everyone of them knows the Lord and haveexcepted him as Lord and Saviour. God has blessed us and we don’t even deserveit . I feel like my heart it going to burst with all the JOY the Lord hasbrought into my life I have never felt this way before. I wake up with Jesuson my mind I think about him during the day and then at night time I go tobed just thinking how wonderful it is to know Jesus as you Lord and Savior..What a Friend indeed he has been for me. I have a big family and we haveall been saved except one brother. God has been good to us.I’m now goingto pray my hasbands family into the kingdom!! I know the Lord hears our prayersand I am thankful. But all I can say is that God is so Good and I will neverlet anything come between me and my Lord and Saviour again. I Love The LordOur God with All My Heart, Soul , and Mind.
God Bless All ,
In Jesus Love,
Jane Craven