by Glen on 2001-11-04 00:23:50

Agency France-Presse reports: ?Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz said Monday a solution for Jerusalem would deny terrorists a chance to use this problem, which concerns all Muslims, as a pretext for terrorism. ?A solution of the Jerusalem issue, which is of concern to all Muslims and not just Arabs, would put an end to terrorism? by third parties ?trading? with this issue to serve their own agenda, Sultan told the Kuwaiti daily as-Siyassa in an interview also carried by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). The Saudi defense minister was apparently referring to chief terror suspect Osama bin Laden, who has vowed that the Americans would not have security so long as the Palestinians did not enjoy the same in their homeland.

Stressing the importance of east Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque for Muslims around the world, Sultan said the Mitchell Report, which the Palestinians had agreed to implement, could serve as a prelude to ?extinguishing the fire of the war that has been raging for over 50 years? between the Arabs and Israel. Sultan said the US administration had ?a deep understanding of the historic relationship? between Riyadh and Washington, but the kingdom was being criticized by other sides — an apparent reference to US media — who had their own agenda. ?Those who attack us are agents? of parties seeking to block a just solution to the Palestinian problem and the Jerusalem issue, Sultan said??