He Is Good
He Is Good He Is GoodBy Jeremy Marks God's gentleness turned me right around and instead of pursuingthe "gay" life, I resolved to find His answer.Born in England in 1952, I…
He Is Good He Is GoodBy Jeremy Marks God's gentleness turned me right around and instead of pursuingthe "gay" life, I resolved to find His answer.Born in England in 1952, I…
You Don't Have To Be Gay You Don't Have To Be GayBy Jeff ("Bud") Konrad Dear Mike: I just got your letter. You've got to give me thechance to help. I…
Me? A "Real" Woman? Me? A "Real" Woman?By Jeanette Howard Growing up, I felt strangely alienated from other girls. But Icouldn't identify with boys either. I didn't seem to belong anywhere.Who…
Looking to Him-My Way Out Looking to Him-My Way OutBy Jay Stone As a teenager, I hated myself. I didn't want to be gay. Whycouldn't I be like other boys?I lay…
Jerry_Belton"In my hand was a 22 pistol with one shell in it. I closed the cylinder and spun it."While growing up in Alabama I felt that there was somethingthat I…
In Search of Freedom In Search of FreedomBy Jack Morlan I left my marriage and plunged into the gay lifestyle. I wasfinally free! ...Or was I? It was several months after…
Jane_FosterHave you come from a broken home? I have. My father was replaced byanother man when I was four. The next time I saw my dad was in juniorhigh. I…
James_MoffittWho is Jesus to me?Jesus appeared to me at the age of 17 and manifested himself to me through my high school friends. What do I mean by "manifested himself"?…
I_Wanted_To_Serve_GodI wanted to serve God as a priest by Frank Eberhardt In 1968 I left home to become a Roman Catholic priest. I thought this was what God was calling…