The Unrooting And Planting Of A
The Unrooting And Planting Of A THE UPROOTING AND PLANTING OF ABRAM PAGE # Genesis 12 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and…
The Unrooting And Planting Of A THE UPROOTING AND PLANTING OF ABRAM PAGE # Genesis 12 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and…
The Triune Nature Of man 1 of 59 THE TRIUNE NATURE OF MAN BC-02-4P LIVING IN THE FLESH (1st of 3) 2 Cor. 10:3 INTRODUCTION Man is a triune being…
The Triune Nature Of Man 3 of 60 THE TRIUNE NATURE OF MAN (3rd of 3) BC-16-4P IF SATAN DESTROYS THE BODY, WHAT THEN? 1 Cor. 5:5 INTRODUCTION Man is…
The Triune Nature Of Man 2 of 64 THE TRIUNE NATURE OF MAN BC-16-4A WHERE THE SOUL NEVER DIES (2nd of 3) 1 Cor. 15:45 INTRODUCTION Man is a triune…
The Transformed Life .HEAD 1 + Title: The Transformed Life Text: Selected Tracing: Preached October 4, 1992 PM at SDCC .HEAD 1 + INTRO Through the centuries, men have come…
The Teachers Prepares THE TEACHER PREPARES I. NEEED FOR ADEQUATE PREPARATION Introduction Do our pupils know what the church believes? Survey given to 150 freshmen at a Christian College (Upper…
Preached September 13, 1992 PM at SDCC INTRO Imagine a man buying a wood 2x4 to smack his stubborn mule, "Sometimes you have to get his attention!" Is God trying…
The Right Kind Of Ministry Title: The Right Kind of Ministry Text: 2 Cor. 10 Tracing: Preached November 15, 1992 AM at SDCC. INTRO Paul's ministry was under attack. He…
The Purpose Of Tribulation THE PURPOSE OF TRIBULATIONS Matt. 24:21 INTRODUCTION: We wonder WHAT will take place The second question is WHY will it take place? GREAT TRIBULATIONS WILL DRIVE…
The Purpose Of Parables THE PURPOSE OF PARABLES B2-16-6A Lu. 8:9-10 & Is. 6:9-12 INTRODUCTION: Teaches religious truth by the analogy of common experience. I. DIRECTION TO THE SINCERE God…