The life of Jacob

The life of Jacob Wrestling With God . . Genesis 32:24-26: "And Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day ... then…

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The canon of the Scriptures

The canon of the Scriptures The Canon of Scripture: Definition ÿof ÿCanon: ÿCANON is taken from ÿa ÿGreek ÿroot-word (KANON) ÿÿwhich means "a measure", ÿ"a rule for ÿjudgment", ÿÿ"an authoritative…

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The book of Habakkuk

The book of Habakkuk A STUDY in HABAKKUK by Robert Patterson The Hebrew word massa, a burden, comes from the verb meaning "to lift up". It does not necessarily mean…

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