Spurgeon PS1813

Spurgeon PS1813 EXPOSITION. Over all this splendour of tempest pealed the dread thunder. "_The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice_." Fit accompaniment for the…

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Spurgeon PS1812

Spurgeon PS1812 EXPOSITION. Suddenly the terrible artillery of heaven was discharged; the _brightness_ of lightning lit up the clouds as with a glory proceeding from him who was concealed within…

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Spurgeon PS1811

Spurgeon PS1811 EXPOSITION. The storm thickened, and the clouds pouring forth torrents of rain combined to form the secret chamber of the invisible but wonder-working God. "Pavilioned in impervious shade"…

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Spurgeon PS1810

Spurgeon PS1810 EXPOSITION. There is inimitable grandeur in this verse. Under the Mosaic system the cherubim are frequently represented as the chariot of God; hence Milton, in "Paradise Lost," writes…

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Spurgeon PS1809

Spurgeon PS1809 EXPOSITION. Amid the terror of the storm Jehovah the Avenger descended, bending beneath his foot the arch of heaven. "_He bowed the heavens also, and came down_." He…

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Spurgeon PS1808

Spurgeon PS1808 EXPOSITION. "_There went up a smoke out of his nostrils_." A violent oriental method of expressing fierce wrath. Since the breath from the nostrils is heated by strong…

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Spurgeon PS1807

Spurgeon PS1807 EXPOSITION. There was no great space between the cry and its answer. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, but is swift to rescue his afflicted. David…

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Spurgeon PS1806

Spurgeon PS1806 EXPOSITION. "_In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God_." Prayer is that postern gate which is left open even when the city is…

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Spurgeon PS1805

Spurgeon PS1805 EXPOSITION. "_The sorrows of hell compassed me about_." From all sides the hell-hounds barked furiously. A cordon of devils hemmed in the hunted man of God; every way…

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Spurgeon PS1804

Spurgeon PS1804 EXPOSITION. Verses 4-19.--In most poetical language the Psalmist now describes his experience of Jehovah's delivering power. Poesy has in all her treasures no gem more lustrous than the…

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