THE SWEDISH GROUP STUDY METHOD F O O T ================================

  • H O L D


This method of group Bible study was developed in Sweden by the YMCA and YWCA. Many groups have found it to be a simple method of exploring a Bible passage and sharing its meaning.

  1. GIVE each member of the group a card or piece of paper drawn up as shown in three sections with a symbol in each – a question mark, an arrow and a candle.

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2. READ the passage aloud together. Remember, some members of your group will prefer NOT to read aloud so be sure to ask for volunteers in a way that does not embarrass.

3. ALLOW about fifteen minutes for individuals or pairs to read the passage again silently and to write comments in the first two sections of the cards. In the ‘question mark’ section, note any word expression or verse which you do not understand. In the ‘arrow’ section write down any thing which strikes you forcibly or which you should act upon.

4. SHARE and discuss in the group the notes written in the ‘question mark’ section. Refer to Bible reference books where necessary.

5. WRITE DOWN – either individually or in the group – in the ‘candle’ section, any ideas which have become clear or any new light received or any compelling message which has come during the session.

6. PRAY TOGETHER about the things that have been learned.