Two Myles To Heaven Two Myles To Heaven
I’m Myles Wagner and this is my story.
Exactly how far is it to Heaven, anyway? One mile? Ten miles? Tenthousand miles? Ten million miles? Let me show you how closeHeaven and the God of Heaven is.
In May, 1984, my marriage was falling apart. Divorceseemed like the only logical solution. Prior to this,friends were concerned for our marriage. They told us about VictoryBaptist Church. After attending for a few weeks and hearingGodís word, I began to wonder where I would spend eternity.One Tuesday night, when my wife was ready to go to work, I expressedmy sincere desire for a divorce. Shortly after my wife left for work,two men from the church came to visit me.
They shared Godís plan of Salvation with me. They asked meif I realized that I was a sinner. They showed me scriptures from theBible, For all have sinned and come short of the glory ofGod (Romans chapter 3, verse 23). They shared with me theconsequences of sin and the precious Gift of God in Romans 6:23,For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternallife through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I realized that I was a sinner and needed to repent of my sinsaccording to Acts 3:19, Repent ye therefore, and be converted,that your sins may be blotted out. That night I repentedof my sins and accepted Christ as my Savior.
God not only saved me, a sinner, but He also saved mymarriage.
So how far is it to Heaven? Just on the outskirts of sin. Forsure, my sins have been forgiven by a holy and righteous God. My nameis Myles Wagner and I have been happy to tell people that it is onlyone Myles to Heaven. My son is named Myles also. Since he acceptedJesus Christ as his Savior in January of 1994, my testimony changedto “Two Myles to Heaven”. If I never see youagain here on earth, will I see you in Heaven?
Myles and his wife, Betty, live in Fleetwood, Pa. If you wouldlike to know more about the Savior that changed Myles’ life, you arewelcome to attend the
Lehigh Valley Baptist Church4702 Colebrook Avenue
Emmaus, PA 18049
Or call us at (610) 965 4700 or 1-800-893-9586.