Began by Sun Myung Moon (name given by himself which means “Shining Sun and Moon”. Born in Kwangiu Sangari (North Korea) 1/6/1920. Has the belief of THREE SETS OF ADAM AND EVE. [DIVINE PRINCIPLE]

“Jesus was born a man – not a man god … Although Jesus was the first man to be obedient to God, a number of failures marred His mission.”

  1. The Three Wise Men were to rear Jesus until he took a bride, but they failed to do so.
  2. John the Baptist failed because he did not recognize Jesus as the Saviour; and
  3. Jesus (the Second Adam) was not successful in His revolutionary mission to unify all religions and cultures; and
  4. Israel rejected and murdered Him on the cross before he was able to find the second Eve and begin the physical restoration of the Human Race.”

    II. “Jesus did not come to die on the cross and His crucifixion was against the Will of God”

    III. “Jesus was an imperfect image of God who with the Holy Spirit brought about spiritual but not physicalsalvation. When Jesus saw He would not accomplish His mission, He began to preach about His second advent. Jesus’ resurrection was spiritual, not bodily and He did not ascend to the Heavenly kingdom but instead waits in Paradise until another completes His unfinished task of bringing the Kingdom to Earth.

    A Third ADAM and a third EVE (no mention of the 2nd EVE) must now come to bring physical salvation. This third ADAM is the Lord of the Second Advent” Moon is very vague on the EXACT identity of this Lord of the Second Advent, but has provided many “hints” as to who that person really is:

  5. He and His wife are the Parents of a New Humanity. Moon requires his followers to refer to him and his wife as TRUE PARENTS”
  6. By a convoluted method of combining numerology and eisegesis” or the “reading a concept INTO the Bible”, Moon has calculated that the Lord of the Second Advent was born in 1920 and in North Korea Moon uses a travesty in interpretation of Scripture to explain why he did not come in Power and Glory.

    SPIRITUALISM defined The science, philosophy and religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live by the Spirit World.

    I. “The doctrine of the Trinity seems to have no adherents in advanced circles of the Spirit World. The Divinity of Christ as co-equal with the Father is universally denied.”

    ……. “The miraculous conception of Christ is merely a fabulous tale” SPIRITUALISM, Weisse, pg 141

    II. “Christ, himself, was nothing more than a medium of high order” SPIRITUAL TELEGRAPH Number 37

    III. “There is no atoning value in the death of Jesus Christ.” WHATEVER IS, IS RIGHT, Childs

    “Salvation by vicarious atonement is a wicked and soul-destroying delusion.” ETHICS OF SPIRITUALISM, pg 99

    “We affirm the moral responsibility of the individual, and that he makes his own happiness or unhappiness as he obey’s or disobey’s NATURE’S physical and spiritual laws”

    …. “Man becomes a spirit after death, doing both evil and good, but he may be saved as he progresses from one spirit level to the next. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any human soul, here or hereafter.” DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES Numbers 7 & 8

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