Tara’s Witness
A life of futility and godlessness
Hi I am Tara… or “DailySeekr” I love Jesus with my whole heart. 21 yearsago He saved me from a life of futility and godlessness. It was not howeveruntil about 5 years ago that I actually becamea “christian.” Although I was a believer and was busy doing works forthe church, I had NO relationship with Jesus. 5 years ago, I realized thatthere was more to this life than living and dying. Now I live to Praise Hisname and to share my faith with anyone who is seeking. My greatest goal inthis life is to become more like Him.
To tell you a little about myself, I am married (14 years this month) with5 children, including a set of special needs twins. Although I went to schoolforever to be a psychologist, I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. I loveto sing, study the Word, play the piano, cross-stitch and spend time withmy family.
In Christ–DailySeekr