THE SWEDISH GROUP STUDY METHOD F O O T ================================ H O L D THE SWEDISH GROUP STUDY METHOD This method of group Bible study was developed in Sweden by…
THE SWEDISH GROUP STUDY METHOD F O O T ================================ H O L D THE SWEDISH GROUP STUDY METHOD This method of group Bible study was developed in Sweden by…
THE BIBLE CAN HELP YOU TO PRAY F O O T ================================ H O L D THE BIBLE CAN HELP YOU TO PRAY Prayer is communicating with God. It may…
SEVEN STEPS WITH GOD F O O T ================================ H O L D SEVEN STEPS WITH GOD 'The Seven Steps' is a method of Bible meditation for groups. It is…
SCRIPTURE UNION IS HERE F O O T ================================ H O L D SCRIPTURE UNION IS HERE . . . AUSTRALIA QLD: 363 George Street, Brisbane 4000 NSW: 120 Chalmers…
HOW TO USE FOOTHOLD IN A GROUP F O O T ================================ H O L D HOW TO USE FOOTHOLD IN A GROUP The hundred readings in FOOTHOLD can be…
HOW TO READ AND APPLY THE BIBLE F O O T ================================ H O L D HOW TO READ AND APPLY THE BIBLE A checklist of useful questions WHAT DOES…
Guide to Bible Reading Scripture Union Guide to Bible Reading GETTING THE BEST FROM ALIVE TO GOD FIND A SUITABLE TIME AND PLACE each day to be alone with God.…
GUIDE TO DAILY BIBLE READING F O O T ================================ H O L D GUIDE TO DAILY BIBLE READING A method to use: Scripture Union - the publisher of FOOTHOLD…
FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY With the help of FOOTHOLD you have begun your journey with the Bible. Let Scripture Union's quarterly notes keep you going. On…
CHECKPOINT I Used with permission of Scripture Union, Adelaide South Australia. Copyright holder. Original edition (C) 1986. Designed for the Christian setting out to read the Bible for the first…