City on the Hill

Listen Did you hear of the city on the hill? Said one old man to the other It once shined bright and it would be shining still But they all…

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Presidents and Jesus

A wise man will seek counsel from God. Proverbs 19:20-21 Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Many are the plans in the…

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God is with us

Listen The skies don't seem to be as dark as usual The stars seem brighter than they've been before Deep within I feel my soul a stirring As though my…

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Read more about the article Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows
Jessie and the Pink Flower Stained Glass window, Mill Rose Inn, Half Moon Bay, California, USA

Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows

Listen Another sleepy Sunday, safe within the wallsOutside a dying world in desperation callsBut no-one hears the cries, or knows what they're aboutThe doors are locked within, or is it…

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Read more about the article Road to Zion
zion national park road mountains 7999253

Road to Zion

Listen There is a way that leads to lifeThe few that find it never diePast mountain peaks graced white with snowThe way grows brighter as it goes There is a…

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Read more about the article Developing good friendships
people girls women students 2557396

Developing good friendships

In today's society, we are getting really good at making enemies.  According to one case study, the average American adult hasn’t made a new friend in five years (between 2018…

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