First Love
In 2 months, I will have been married for 32 years. My wife and I are so much in love that we celebrate our marriage every month, instead of just…
General posts
In 2 months, I will have been married for 32 years. My wife and I are so much in love that we celebrate our marriage every month, instead of just…
1. Men have a vision (boys drift) 2. Men take a minority position (stand against the tide of wrongdoing) 3. Men are team players (make each other better) 4. Men…
I've been in a church setting where leadership was faced with making decisions on situations that weren't specifically stated in the Bible, and the group felt constrained to come up…
Q: How did David get to be King? (1 Samuel 15) A: The position was opened up when the previous king, Saul, a). disobeyed God 1. treated sacrifice/worship like a…
Sensitive to spiritual realities people are blind toActs 19:15 - recognize levels of spiritual powerLuke 4:41 - multiple demons identified Jesus as the Son of God Affiliate with themes of…
What was the goal behind the plagues against the leader and people of Egypt in the time of Moses?To free the people of Isarael from being enslaved by the Egyptians.To…
Courage: John the BaptistBlessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake Honesty: Nathaniel (an Israelite with no deceit)Blessed are the pure in heart Sinless: JesusBlessed are you when others…
ACURA: All Customers Undergo Repair Anxiety ALFA-ROMEO: All Loosely Fitted Accessories Remain On Motorway Enraging Others AUDI: Automated Unwanted Debt Invitation BMW: Big Money Wasted CADILLAC: Can American Designers Invent…
"Here I am, send me." This is the response that's recorded for us in Isaiah 6:8 in answer to the question, "Whom shall I send?" Over the years, I've primarily…
"Standing Together, Shoulder To Shoulder, As We Fight the Good Fight of Faith" SHOULDER TO SHOULDER is a weekly letter of encouragement Bob has written since 1997, covering many…