The Reading Room

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Page 45 Finally, we have a passage in the book of Acts that opens up another vista altogether. In Acts 24:16, Paul declares: This being so, I myself always strive…

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Page 61 Do not judge according to appearance, but JUDGE with righteous JUDGMENT. (John 7:24, NKJV) TEST all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.…

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Page 77 1. The Weak in Conscience. This person is also said to be ,weak in faith. Faith, in this sense, does not refer to saving faith. It rather refers…

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Page 30 outside the lot. With that thought in mind, let us move on with the story. God opens Adam's side, and Eve makes her debut. Adam, being the responsible…

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Page 46 the testimony of Scripture (2 Tim. 3), the renewal of our minds (Rom. 12), the habitual exercise of our spiritual senses (Heb. 5), and the dictates of our…

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Page 62 witness of our conscience, and the witness of the Scriptures. But in making non-moral decisions, God has promised to give wisdom to those who seek it. Allow me…

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Page 78 which he holds. The legalist fails to distinguish between Divine commands and personal application. He universalizes his own personal standards of what is morally acceptable to God. At…

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Page 31 Adam gets alone and lifts his eyes to the heavens and says, ,Lord, the wife that you gave me says that she doesn't know which fruit to use…

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Page 47 CHAPTER 3 CHOOSING BETWEEN PARKING SPACES I will begin this chapter by reiterating that if you are in the parking lot, you are in the moral will of…

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Page 63 When we adopt this posture, we are recognizing that the Lord may have a different plan for us. Thus we give Him our consent to cut into our…

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