We will grow up in every way to be like Christ, who is the head.

Gift of Serving

                                   GIFT OF SERVING BASIC MOTIVATION DEFINED Motivated to demonstrate love by meeting the practical needs of others. AMPLIFICATION Is expressed by action and not by words.  Is exercised under…

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Christian Service

  DISCIPLESHIP LESSON 13 CHRISTIAN SERVICE The Assignment: To pray 25 minutes a day To memorize James 2:26 and Galatians 5: 13 This week's lesson James 2: 14-26 Written study…

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Teacher/Helper Guidelines

             GUIDELINES FOR TEACHERS AND HELPERS AT                   <NAME OF YOUR CHURCH HERE>                                             Requirements                           We require that they:      1. Be born-again Christians who profess Jesus Christ…

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The Uniqueness of Christ

DISCIPLESHIP LESSON 2 THE UNIQUENESS OF CHRIST This week's teaching:  Colossians 1:15-23 ASSIGNMENT: Prayer:10 minutes per day minimum Bible Memorization:  John 14:6 Written Study SECTION 1:  HIS PRE-EXISTENCE 1. Who…

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Gift of Teaching

                          THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFTS ELABORATED GIFT OF TEACHING  BASIC MOTIVATION DEFINED Motivated by the desire to explain the Word of God to others; to clarify the truth. AMPLIFICATION The teacher…

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DISCIPLESHIP LESSON 3 PRAYER This week's teaching:  Luke 11:5-13 ASSIGNMENT: 1.  Prayer 15 minutes per day minimum 2.  Bible memorization Mark 11:24 and Philippians 4:6-7 3.  Written study SECTION I:…


Bible Study

DISCIPLESHIP LESSON 4 BIBLE STUDY This week's teaching:  Psalm 1 ASSIGNMENT: 1.  Prayer 15 minutes per day 2.  Bible memorization:  II Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119:11 3.  Written study SECTION I…

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DiSCIPLESHIP LESSON 5 SIN This week's teaching:  Romans 5:12-21 ASSIGNMENT: 1.  Pray 15 minutes per day 2.  Bible memorization:  Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8 3.  Written study SECTION I 1.  How…


Gift of Organizing

                                 GIFT OF ORGANIZING                                (Administering-leading) BASIC MOTIVATION DEFINED Motivated to give leadership,  to coordinate the activities of others for the achievement of common goals. AMPLIFICATION To take the lead. …

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DISCIPLESHIP LESSON 6 TEMPTATION This week's teaching:  James 1:1-12 ASSIGNMENT: 1.  Pray 15 minutes per day 2.  Bible memorization:  I Cor. 10:13, Ephesians 6:10-12 3.  Written study SECTION I Temptation…
