This entry is part 10 of 23 in the series The Schools of Ministry, documented by Sallie Stewart, 1992

                            DISCIPLESHIP LESSON 8


This Week’s Teaching:
Addressing our priorities

Memorize I Chronicles 29:11, I Peter 4:10, Luke 16:13, 11 Corinthians 9:6-7

Pray 15 minutes a day

Written study

1. After whose image and likeness was man created? (Genesis 1:26)

2. What did man do to bring about separation between himself and God?
(Genesis 3: 1 -8)

3. How did God bring us back and reconcile us to Himself?  (Romans 5:10)

4.  What has God given us  In addition to enable us to live for Him?
(John 14: 16-17)

5. Since God has restored us to a position of fellowship similar to what
Adam had, to whom do we now belong?  ( I Corinthians 6:19-20)

6. Why, then, should we obey?  (Romans 12: 1-2)

7. List acts of Christ In His stewardship that were indicative of perfection.
(Philippians 2:5-8)

8. What was Christ’s supreme purpose in life?  (Hebrews 10:7, John 6:38)

Memorize I John 2:6    Read Luke 23-24 and Colossians 1-2

1.  Read John 12:23-33

a.  As part of God’s will for Jesus, what was involved?  (vs 32-33)

b.  In vs. 24, Jesus uses the example of a grain of wheat which is
planted in the earth.  In what sense does a grain of wheat have to
“die” to bring forth fruit?

c.  How does this illustration apply to Jesus?

d.  How does it apply to us?  Compare vs. 25.


2. What are some duties the Holy Spirit performs as God’s steward, as
revealed in the following verses?

a.  John 16:8-11

b.  John 16: 13

c.  Romans 5: 5

d.  Romans 8:14

e.  Romans 8: 16

f.  Romans 8:26

Read Psalm 139:23-24, Psalm 51, Galatians 5, and Ephesians 5

1.  For whom are we a steward of our cleansed being?  (I Corinthians 6:19-20)

2.  We, therefore, are a steward of our ________________________________
(James 3: 2-5)

a.  Why is It such an Important member of our body?  (James 3:6)

b.  What shall we know concerning its use?  (Matthew 12:36)

3.  We also are a steward of our _______________________________________
(Proverbs 4: 23)

a.  What should we know about it?  (Jeremiah 17:9)

b.  Therefore, what should a steward of God continually pray?  (Psalm 139:

c.  What should we do with our sins?  (I John 1:9)

d.  What condition of heart does God require?  (Psalm 51:17)

e.  What kind of heart does God look for and why?  (11 Chronicles 16:9)

4.  We are a steward of our ___________________________________ (I Peter 1:13)

a.  What is our responsibility?

b.  Whose mind and which qualities should we have as a faithful steward
of God’s grace?  (Philippians 2:5-8)

SECTION IV   Memorize Galatians 2:20   Read Romans 12

1.  What should be our prayer concerning our use of the time that God gives

2.  As good stewards, what will we do?  (Ephesians 5:16)

a.  How certain is this Item and why?  (James 4:14)

b.  What does your Master demand of you as a steward of your time?
(Psalm 62:8)

c.  What does Christ admonish us to do as stewards of time until He comes
again?  (Mark 13:33-37)

3.  As wise stewards concerned over the use of our time, what will we want
to understand?  (Ephesians 5:17)

a.  What is necessary, In order to know fully what the will of our Master
Is, concerning the duties of our stewardship?  (Ephesians 5:18)

b.  The Holy Spirit will enable the faithful steward to perform the duties
of stewardship by giving him:     (Acts 1:8)

c.  What then will be our attitude as we so utilize the time over which
our Master has made us stewards?  (Ephesians 5:19-20)

d.  How would you describe such a joyous and useful life?  (John 10:10b)

4.  As wise stewards who know and are obedient to the will of God, we can be
sure much of our time will be spent aggressively in doing what?  (Mark

a.  What does God say about a soul winner in Proverbs 11:30?

b.  What happens in God’s presence when one repents and accepts Christ?
(Luke 15:7 and 10)

5.  How many hours are there in a week?

6.  Why is it others may accomplish more than you do in the same amount of time?


1.  What talents and natural abilities do you have?  Where do they come from?

2.  According to I Corinthians 4:7 what should our attitude be about them?

3.  How would you apply Colossians 3:17 to the stewardship of your natural

Major passages on spiritual gifts include:
Romans 12:3-8 I
Corinthians 12:1-31
Ephesians 4:4-16 I
Peter 4:10-11

Make a list of spiritual gifts.  After each that you list give your brief definition.

Spiritual gift                                                Definition

_________________                                             ______________________

_________________                                             ______________________

_________________                                             ______________________

_________________                                             ______________________

_________________                                             ______________________

_________________                                             ______________________

_________________                                             ______________________

5.  List the principles concerning your attitude and responsibility toward
your spiritual gifts.  (Romans 12:3-8)

6.  What do you feel your spiritual gifts might be?

SECTION VI  Read 11 Corinthians 8-9, I Chronicles 29

1.  What did God command those under the law of Moses to do?  (Malachi 3:8-10)

2.  How much is a tithe?  (Hebrews 7:2)

3.  To whom does the Christian and his possessions belong?  (I Corinthians
6: 19-20)

4.  What should be his motive in the use of whatever he possesses?
(I Corinthians 10:31)

5.  Consider your Income and your possessions.  What should you keep for
yourself as God’s steward?

6.  With what does the Lord want us to be content?  (Hebrews 13:5)

7.  In your own words, write out Matthew 6:31-33

8.  What are the results of a strong desire for money?  (I Timothy 6:9-10)

9.  What are some areas in which God expects us to be faithful stewards?

a.  I Corinthians 6:19-20

b.  Ephesians 5: 15-16

c.  Peter 4: 10

d.  I Thessalonians 2:4

e.  Chronicles 29: 12-14

10.  How much does God need our material gifts?  (Psalm 50: 10,12)
However, what unusual opportunity does God offer us?  (Matthew 6:20)

1.  What principles underlie New Testament giving?  (11 Corinthians 8:9
and 9:8)

2.  What do you think It means that there Is more blessing in giving than in
receiving?  (Acts 20:35)

3.  What promises are given to those who give to the Lord’s Work?
(Philippians 4:15-19)

4.  Look at your stewardship of time In your priorities regarding:

a.  time with God (devotional life)
b.  study and class time
c.  family
d.  Christian service
e.  Church
f.  friends
g.  recreation
h.  work-employment
i.  miscellaneous
j.  rest
k.  social activities

List these in order of your priorities.  Do they fit in with God’s purpose
and plan for your stewardship of time?


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