This entry is part 9 of 23 in the series The Schools of Ministry, documented by Sallie Stewart, 1992



This week’s teaching: John 15

1.  Pray 15 minutes each day
2.  Bible memorization:
Colossians 1:16-17, Matthew 6:33, and John 14:21

1.  What are Jesus Christ’s titles in
a.  John 13: 13

b.  Acts 2: 36

c.  Acts 10:36

d.  Revelation 19:16

2. Jesus is also Lord of _____________________________________
Romans 14:9

3. Name two facts that establish  God’s Son as Lord of Creation
(Colossians 1:16- 17)

4. In Philippians 2:9-11:
a.  What has God done for His Son?  vs. 9

b.  What will everyone who has ever lived some day have to do?

5.  What is Jesus Christ’s position in the Church (which consists of all
believers everywhere)?  Colossians 1:18

6. According to I Corinthians 6: 19-20:
a.  How did we become God’s possession?

b.  Therefore what should we do?

1.  Why did the apostle Paul consider everything worthless that used to be
important to him?  (Philippians 3:8)

2.  At the time of his conversion, how did Paul’s first reply show his atti-
tude toward Christ? (Acts 22: 10)

3.  What does Romans 12: 1 say that we know God’s forgiveness and blessings
should do?

4.  Read the rest of Paul’s testimony about Christ’s Lordship in his life
in Philippians 3:3-14.
Compare his former goals with his new goals.

5.  From John 12:26:
a.  What will the Christian do who really desires to serve Christ?

b.  Where will he be?

c.  What will God do for him?

6.  What three things Is the person who decides to follow Christ called to

1.  How should a Christian live?  (Colossians 1:10)

2.  What place should Christ hold in a believer’s life?  (Colossians 1:18)

3.  What should be your habit when making any plans?  (James 4:13-15)

4.  Jesus referred to Himself as the ______________________________________
and Christians as the ______________________ in John 15:5,  What is the
relationship between Christ and you, which John 15:5 illustrates?

5.  In John 15:2, Jesus said that “every branch that bears fruit he takes
away, that it may _________________________________________________.”
What are some experiences that constitute “pruning” in your life as a
Christian?  (Hebrews 12:6 and Romans 5:3-5)

6.  Read John 15:7-11.
a.  List two necessary qualifications for effective prayer according to
verse 7.

b.  As Jesus glorified God, so can we glorify God the Father by
________________________________.  (verse 8)

c.  Christ commands us to continue in His love.  How great is this love?
(verse 9)

d.  How are we to abide in Christ’s love?  (verse 10)

e.  Why did Christ give us these teachings?  (verse 11)

7.  Read Romans 1-2 and John 14:21.
Write out a personal applIcation of what these verses teach you about
obedience.  Use the first person pronoun and apply the teaching here to
specific areas of weakness or disobedience In your own life.  What you
write is strictly between you and God,

1.  Read Romans 5 and 6

2.  In Luke 12:13-34:
a.  What three Illustrations did Jesus use to show the uselessness of
worrying  about material things?  (verses 24-28)

3.  Read Philippians 4:11-19
a.  How did Paul react when he lacked money?  (verses 11-12)

b.  In light of verses 11-12, how dependent should you be on your
circumstances for happiness?

c.  Did Paul possess the strength in himself to face adverse circum
stances, or did he have to find his strength in Jesus Christ?
(verse 13)

d.  Study verse 19.  Why does God promise to supply our need but not
necessarily our desires?

4.  In your own words, write out what Jesus Christ did for us according
to 11 Corinthians 8:9,

5.  Because of what  Jesus Christ has done for us, we should be willing to
invest part of our Income in His work.  When we give toward His work,
what should be our attitude?  (11 Corinthians 9:7)

6.  Read 11 Corinthians 9:8.  Note the use of the words  “all” and “every”.
According to this verse, why can you be cheerful even though you may
give sacrificially toward God’s work?

7.  Read Matthew 26:57-75 carefully,
a.  Peter knew and loved Christ In his heart, but when it came time
to openly identify himself as a follower of Christ, what did he
do (verse 58)?

b.  Is It sufficient for us just to know and love Christ in our heart,
or must we also take a bold and open stand for Him?

c.  Note the contrasts between Christ and Peter:
1.  Who accused Christ (verse 59).

2.  Who accused Peter (verse 69, 71)?

3.  How did Christ answer His accusers?

4.  How did Peter answer his accusers (verse 71-74)?

5.  What happened to Christ, because He told the truth (verse 67-68)?

6.  What happened to Peter, because he told a lie (verse 75)?

7.  How does Matthew 10:32 relate to your present attitudes?

1.  Read James 3:1-13.  Though we may study our Bibles faithfully, attend
Christian meetings regularly and even talk to our friends about Christ,
one thing marks us as a really perfect(i.e., mature) Christian.
a.  What is it? (verse 2)?

b.  How does a wicked tongue compare to an incorrectly handled steering
mechanism on a ship?  (verses 4-5),

c.  How large a spark does it take to start a forest fire ?  Verse 5

d.  How much damage can be done  by just a few words of gossip that
you pass on?

2.  Name each sin of the tongue which is condemned in the following verses:
a.  Proverbs 6:16-19

b.  Proverbs 11:13

c.  Proverbs 15:1

d.  Proverbs 17:9

e.  Proverbs 27:2

3.  Read Matthew 12:33-36
a.  For what shall men give account? (verse 36)

b.  What illustration does Christ use In verse 33?

c.  How does he apply it in verses 34-35?

d.  What then, is the real source of an evil tongue?

4.  What is the only solution for a believer? (Galatians 5:16)

Meditate on Romans 9 and 10.

5.  What did Christ say was the matter with the people of His day?
(Mark 7:6)

6.  Why is our heart attitude Just as important to God as our outward

7.  Read I Corinthians 13:1-3,  The word “charity” in the KJV means “love.”
In terms meaningful to you, paraphrase these three verses.


Read Romans 3 and 4
1.  What does Christ say of impure thoughts?

2.  List the things on which we should think.  (Philippians 4:8)

3.  Why does the human mind not want to think on these things?
(Romans 8:7)

4. What else should we do to avoid thinking impure thoughts?  (Romans 13:14)

5. When tempted by immorality, what should a Christian do?  (I Corinthians

6. List three things you can know when tempted.  (I Corinthians 10:13)

7. Write in your own words what the following verses say about God’s
a.  Psalm 103:12

b.  Isaiah 43:25

c.  I John 2:1-2

8.  What must we do to obtain God’s forgiveness?  (I John 1:9)

9.  What principle should we follow regarding questionable practices?
(Romans 14:21)

10.  What other principle should guide us in our conduct.  (I Corinthians 10:31)

1.  What did the early Christians do that we should do also?
a.  Acts 2:41-42

b.  Acts 4:31; 8:4

c.  Acts 5:41-42

2.  As God’s children, what should we not neglect?  (Hebrews 10:25)

3.  Read I Thessalonians 1:1-10; then list some qualities God desires for
members of any church.

4.  Why be baptized?  (Matthew 28:19)

5.  What is the purpose of the communion service?  (I Corinthians 11:23-26)

6.  What should be one of the basic purposes of a church?  (11 Timothy 4:2)

7.  List several of your own reasons for joining a church.

8.  What should the church believe about Christ?
a.  His birth (Matthew 1:23)

b.  His person (John 1:14)

c.  His death ( I Peter 2:24)

d.  His future ministry (I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

9.  Whom did God give, besides prophets and apostles, to strengthen the
church members7  (Ephesians 4:11-12)

10.  How can we demonstrate that we are Christ’s disciples?  (John 13:34-35)


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