“Wives Need Healing, Too!”
"Wives Need Healing, Too!" Wives Need Healing, Too!By Willa MedingerI grabbed ahold of Alan and beat him with both fists, screaming,"I hate you, I hate you!" God was finally allowing…
Stories of how God has positively changed the lives and eternal life of people all around the world.
"Wives Need Healing, Too!" Wives Need Healing, Too!By Willa MedingerI grabbed ahold of Alan and beat him with both fists, screaming,"I hate you, I hate you!" God was finally allowing…
Four Words That Changed My Life Four Words That Changed My LifeI'm Jerry Wilhite, and this is my story. Growing up in the midwestern state of Iowa, I had all…
To_Him_Be_The_GloryTO HIM BE THE GLORY FOREVER! AMEN.As a child I grew up with unbelieving parents. Although my mothersays that she believes in God and is good enough for heaven, she…
Two Myles To Heaven Two Myles To HeavenI'm Myles Wagner and this is my story. Exactly how far is it to Heaven, anyway? One mile? Ten miles? Tenthousand miles? Ten million…
The_Gift_-Personal_TestimonyTHE GIFTFather Charles Chiniquy Foreword Father Chiniquy was a famous Catholic priest of Canada, born at Kamouraska, Quebec, on July 20, 1809. He established the first temperance society there and…
A Lesson in Love A Lesson in LoveBy Tom Taylor I could not talk with Peter about his lifestyle and the ache inmy heart it caused. I needed God to change…
Amazing Grace Amazing Graceby Tim RymelHow could I be a minister and be gay? I knelt at my bedside athousand times looking for answers, but felt my prayers never leftthe…
Tim_NeshamI was searching VERY hard for an answer so I could stop the pain Iwas in.I had rejected Christianity when I was a teenager as being a crutchfor weak people.…
Tim_Dorf"What is your doctrine of salvation?"I was raised in what you would call an average Polish, Roman Catholichousehold, parochial schools and church every Sunday. I remember cryingbecause I couldn't go…
Testimony_of_Mr._BortzA JEW SHOULD KNOW GODbyAaron BortzI was reared in Cincinnati, Ohio as a Reform Jew. My religiousstudies centered around Jewish history, Hebrew and humanitarianconcepts. The Reform Judaism of my youth…