Kenaniah of the Levites appointed by the king To teach the songs of Zion, to lead them as they sing Your song is not forgotten, we hear it in our…
Kenaniah of the Levites appointed by the king To teach the songs of Zion, to lead them as they sing Your song is not forgotten, we hear it in our…
Just legal systems (and governments) across the world require The Truth to serve justice properly. The Truth is discovered by gathering facts, and presenting evidence. It's simultaneously encouraging and embarrassing…
Moving through the shadows of uncertainty Clinging to the words You said Through my loneliness and fear I long to feel You near But I hear another voice inside my…
Continuing the topic of what is pleasing to God, here are several more entries for our list: Smell: frankincense (part of worship & prayer): Lev 2:2 Discontinued (for now...see NOTE),…
While vacationing, I stopped in a Used Book store, and came across the book "Red", by Ted Dekker. My wife pointed it out to me, as I was struggling to…
When is the last time your church burned incense in the sanctuary? It seems like an odd question, doesn't it! Does burning incense please God? If it didn't, why would…
Keep me, O Lord, from all pettiness! Let me be large in thought and word and deed. Let me leave off self-seeking and be done with faultfinding. Help me to…
True, or False ? The Bible is a historically accurate document Jesus really existed The birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus were prophesied in specific detail throughout the Bible,…
Lost in a windswept land In a world of shifting sand A fragile flower stands apart And there in that barren ground You feel like the only one Trying to…