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Hate and Hate Speech

Hate speech is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as "public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex,…

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Read more about the article Corporate sponsors of the murder of unborn children
These poor women are in great trouble. One is lifting up her hands and calling to her little child, another is covering her face and crying. But their babies cannot hear them, they are dead. Some soldiers have been there and killed them. Who sent the soldiers to do so cruel a thing? It was the wicked King Herod. He wanted them to kill Jesus. But Joseph had taken Jesus away. So they killed all the other little children in the city of Bethlehem.

Corporate sponsors of the murder of unborn children

Definition: "Sponsor" means to provide funds for (a project or activity or the person carrying it out). CBN reports : many corporations across the U.S. announced they will foot the…

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Some people love attention.  Many would like to be famous.  Aren't these the dreams that we grew up with? But there's a problem with fame and the world's eyes continually…

Read more about the article Beautiful before God…
The little boy is floating on the water. He is in a little basket made of reeds, or rushes. It is woven together very tightly, and covered with pitch to keep out the water. The little baby's mother made the basket and put him in it. Then she laid it carefully among the bushes by the edge of the river.

Beautiful before God…

James Dobson reports: "We have just received the news for which we have been praying and working! After nearly 50 years, a majority of Supreme Court justices, who refused to…

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Read more about the article Even the angels bow to God
These are some of the things that were made to go into the tabernacle. They are all very beautiful. The table is made of gold. It has twelve loaves of bread on it called shew-bread. There is a golden box too ; it is called the ark. It has two angels on its lid. The angels are made out of pure gold. And there is a golden candlestick, to burn and give light, inside of the tabernacle.

Even the angels bow to God

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty! Bow down at his feet, and worship.

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Yes To The Cost

The Son of Man in agony He cried out, "Take this cup from Me And not My will, let Yours be done Not My will, let Yours be done" The…

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