94 ENCOURAGEMENT IN HARD TIME F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 94 ENCOURAGEMENT IN HARD TIMES PRAY Help me to see Jesus more clearly today, please…
94 ENCOURAGEMENT IN HARD TIME F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 94 ENCOURAGEMENT IN HARD TIMES PRAY Help me to see Jesus more clearly today, please…
93 BEING SURE F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 93 BEING SURE PRAY Look at the description of God's love in Psalm 57:10. Give thanks for…
92 GOD IS LOVE F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 92 GOD IS LOVE PRAY Thank God for his overwhelming love and ask for grace to…
91 TRAVELLING IN THE LIGHT F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 91 TRAVELLING IN THE LIGHT PRAY Lord God, please help me to discover new and…
90 DON F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 90 DON'T STUMBLE IN THE DARK PRAY Help me dear Lord, to understand the Scriptures and to understand…
8 TWO MEN IN NEED F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 8 TWO MEN IN NEED PRAY Help me to understand and obey your word, holy…
89 JUSTICE LIKE A RIVER F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 89 JUSTICE LIKE A RIVER PRAY Give me an understanding mind and a receptive heart,…
88 RESISTING GOD F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 88 RESISTING GOD PRAY Make us open to your teaching, sovereign Lord. READ Amos 3:9-4:13. THINK What…
87 JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 87 JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH! PRAY Change my life through the reading of your word,…
86 BETTER THINGS AHEAD F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 86 BETTER THINGS AHEAD PRAY Ask God to help you really see the point of this…