Islam Islam: Doctrine of ‘Salvation’

    Salvation is accomplished by following the ‘Five Pillars of Faith’ according to Surah 10:109:
    1. Recitation of the Shahadah
    2. Five daily prescribed prayers (Salat or Namaz) which include the practice of genuflection and prostration in the direction of Mecca.
    3. Almsgiving (Zakat) – the giving of 1/40 of income.
    4. Fasting (Saum or Ruzeh) during the month of Romadan

    • fasting is practiced from sunrise to sunset in atonement for their sin for the previous year
    • feasting may occur after sunset and/or in early morning before sunrise.
    5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) at least once during lifetime.
    6. Holy War (Jihad) used to be a sixth essential pillar of faith. Jihad makes it the responsibility of every Muslim to murder anyone who will not embrace Islam. Modern Islam is more moderate and does not encourage this practice. Some Shiaites, however, talk of restoring Jihad as an essential doctrine.

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