This entry is part 37 of 106 in the series CULT or NOT

What the Bible says about the… Doctrine of ‘Salvation’

    What is needed for salvation:
    1. Acts 16:30-33 Philippian jailer saved
    2. John 3: 15,16 whosoever believeth shall be saved
    3. John 3: 36 believe on the Son and be saved
    4. Matt 20:1-16 Parable of the laborers
    5. Luke 23: 42,43 Repentant thief on the cross
    6. Acts 10:47-48 Gentiles baptized following conversion and having received the Holy Spirit
    Complete atonement:
    7. I John 1:7 blood of Christ cleanses from all sin
    8. Heb 9: 13-15 blood of Christ redeems transgressions of even the first testament
    9. Rev 1:5 Christ’s blood washed our sins
    10. Romans 5:9 justified by his blood

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