This entry is part 49 of 106 in the series CULT or NOT

What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Hell'

  • State of the dead:
  • Isaiah 59: 1,2 Death is separation, not extinction
  • II Cor 5: 8 To die is to be present with the Lord, not unconsciousness
  • Matt 17: 1-3 appearance of Moses and Elijah, they were unconscious
  • Phil 1: 21 To live is Christ, to die is gain
  • Hell is an actual place, torment is reality:
  • Matt 8: 11-12 outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth
  • Matt 8:29 Art thou come to torment?
  • Matt 13: 42, 50 furnace of fire, weeping and gnashing
  • Matt 22: 13 outer darkness, weeping and gnashing
  • Luke 13: 24-28 they will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and will be thrust out, weeping and gnashing
  • Jude 13 blackness of darkness forever
  • Rev 14:9-11 tormented with fire in the presence of angels, torment forever, no rest
  • Rev 20: 14-15 lake of fire


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