This entry is part 128 of 130 in the series CULT or NOT

What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of ‘Atonement’

    Lev 17: 11 the blood maketh atonement for the soul
    Heb 9:22 without the shedding of blood, there is no remission
    John 1: 29 the Lamb of God taketh away the sins
    I Peter 2: 24 by whose stripes we are healed
    Col 1:20 having made peace through the blood of his cross
    Heb 13: 20-21 through the blood of the everlasting covenant
    Rom 3: 25 propitiation through faith in his blood
    Rom 5:9 justified by his blood
    Col 1: 14 we have redemption through his blood