This entry is part 95 of 106 in the series CULT or NOT

Islam: Doctrine of ‘God’

    Common perception is that Muslims believe in God, but do not accept Jesus Christ as God. However, their concept of God is very different.
  • Allah is the only true God
  • Trinity does not exist
  • Jesus was a prophet of Allah, not the Son of God, and certainly not God himself. (Surah 4:171)
  • God is unapproachable by sinful man.
  • God must be communicated through a progression of angels and prophets.
  • God is a god of judgment and wrath.
  • Muslims strive to hold back God’s wrath by doing good works, rituals, and hope that through the whim of Allah they would be granted eternal life in an earthly paradise of gluttony and sexual gratification.

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