This entry is part 98 of 106 in the series CULT or NOT

Islam: Sharing the Gospel to a Muslim

    1. Discuss the nature of God

    • Remember that they accept certain scriptures as valid.
    • Use scriptures to clarify the concept of God
    • Do not discuss doctrine of Jesus Christ first; this is the fastest way to be rejected.
    2. After establishing a more complete concept of God, introduce the Deity of Christ, beginning with his sinless nature.
    3. After establishing the Deity of Christ, introduce Salvation apart from works.
    NOTE: Be prepared to be a friend; conversion from Islam will be a long process. Be sure to establish and maintain your relationship as a friend during the process. People of other faiths will have a difficult time separating the person from the religion – It is up to you to separate your friendship from an opposing doctrine.

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