This entry is part 10 of 106 in the series CULT or NOT

Mormonism: Characteristics

  • Thrifty
  • Zealous
  • Rapid Growth – 200,000/year
  • Large Missionary Force – 26,000 (boys at 19 encouraged to dedicate 2 years)
  • Caution against tobacco, alcohol, tea, coffee, caffeine
  • Requires members to tithe 10% (assets exceed $2 billion – 20 temples & BYU)
  • Exhault Education
  • Mutual Improvement Association (holds dances, homemaking classes, dramas (membership has low juvenile delinquency)
  • Know Bible verses quite well (will dazzle the uniformed Christian)
  • Gains most of its membership from orthodox churches
  • Has ‘defended’ its founders when persecuted/slandered
  • Sound Character, Moral, Hospitable, Devoted to Family
  • Ignorant of shady Morman history

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