This entry is part 40 of 106 in the series CULT or NOT

Jehovah’s Witnesses: History

  • 1870 Charles Taze Russell begins ‘Bible studies’ emphasizing the imminent Millennial Reign
  • 1876 Russell ‘elected’ as Pastor, although he was never degreed or ordained in his lifetime
  • 1876-78 Russell became asst editor of a Rochester, NY monthly magazine and later resigned over his counterarguments regarding the atonement of Christ’s blood
  • 1879 Russell founded ‘The Herald of the Morning’ which has evolved into today’s ‘The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom’ (15million copies/200 languages)
  • 1884 Russell incorporates ‘Zion’s Watch Tower and Tract Society’ in Pittsburgh, PA
  • 1886 Russell publishes six books called ‘The Millennial Dawn’. A seventh book was edited from his notes and published after his death. The collection is now entitled ‘Studies in the Scriptures’ Russell claims his writings are more important than the Bible
  • 1912 Rev. J. J. Ross, James Street Baptist Church, Ontario publishes ‘Some Facts about the Self-Styled Pastor Charles T. Russell’ and Russell files libel suit
  • 1913 Court finds no libel

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