What the Bible says about the What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of ‘Trinity’

    Each Person distinguished from the others:
    John 14: 16-17,26
    John 15: 26
    John 16: 7 – 15
    Yet Equal in Power:
    John 6: 27 Jesus is giver of eternal life
    Heb 1:8 Jesus is God
    Acts 5: 3-4 Holy Spirit is God
    Each possessing divine powers
    James 1:17 Father has no variableness
    Heb 13:8 Jesus is the same yesterday, today,etc
    Heb 9:14 Holy Spirit is eternal
    Each performing divine works
    John 5:21 God and Jesus gives life to the dead
    Rom 8:11 Holy Spirit gives life to Jesus
    Mutual concurrence
    John 5:17 My Father works, and I work

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