This entry is part 12 of 106 in the series CULT or NOT

Mormonism: History

  • 1805 – Joseph Smith, Jr born (Father, Joseph, Sr. was a mystic, searched for Capt Kidd’s treasure, counterfeited money) (Mother, Lucy, wrote ‘Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith’ – banned by Brigham Young
  • 1820 – Joseph Smith has vision (Pearl of Great Price) God the Father and Son were not pleased with Christian church and identifies Joseph Smith as agent to restore true Christianity
  • 1823 – Angel Moroni appears at Joseph’s Smith’s bedside
  • 1827 – Smith claims to have found the ‘golden plates’ in Palmyra, NY written in ‘Reformed Egyptian’, translated through use of the Urim and Thummin provided by Moroni
  • 1827 – Oliver Cowdery is ‘converted’ and transcribes 1829 for Joesph Smith
  • May 15, 1829 – John the Baptist confers ‘Aaronic Priesthood’ on Joseph and Oliver. Shortly thereafter, Peter, James, John confer the priesthood of ‘Melchizedek’ to Joseph and Oliver as well.
  • 1830 – Book of Mormon is published; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is established in Fayette,New York – move to Kirtland, Ohio (grows to 16,000 in six years)

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